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Hello, for most of you the post is irrelevant, it is for a "certain" minority, which unfortunately has increased, but it was expected, I know that my mods end up being posted "on other sites", it is inevitable for some mods, or after a certain time, that is why i usually post some(Not all) of the exclusives, for free after a while (sometimes a small time like 3 months or less, or sometimes more like 6 months), there was always a kind of "balance", to when my mods end up out there...

But lately I have to babysitting on different sites and forums, seeing what mods are posted, if there's something "NEW" mine there, so I can change the links again, and look, I have a fast internet, for me that's nothing, I can do this all day...

now the way it is in the last 3 months, unfortunately I predict that in the near future (if it continues the way it is) I will MOVE ALL downloads to a discord server, and unfortunately you will be required to have a discord account linked to patreon, to be able to  download ALL THE MODS from a private chanell on the server... (Plus some other things i CAN and will do the zip Files)

-How do you know if you mods are in "other sites" BRUH

that's it, I'm going to try certain things first, but if necessary, that's the path I'm going to take in the next few months...

For those who are using a certain site, which can copy your open session ID with your Browser history, I really can't do anything personally(TO you), I only know your ID, and your email, probably secondary right? but what I can do, and I already did to some(yeah Yeah i know some of the account doing it), is to send your information to Patreon, they have your payment info, so good luck, in the near future(as they said)!!!




This wouldn't happen to be a certain site that constantly screams about people stealing "their" mods while basically doing nothing but posting mods they yanked from other sites without authorization would it?


I think I know what site you're talking about, but if that's what I thought, no... As far as I know.......and theoretically there are paid communities internaly there, which post more internally that no one can see, but no, I never had problems with this especific one, and like i said, i consider myself a really nice guy "with everybody" no matter from where they came from, and yes some "people" have already come to ask me to help on discord with some of my mods and i help them, no matter from where they got the mod from, like, I help anyone who asks, without discrimination, like I said it's inevitable that the mods end up elsewhere, whoever says the opposite is out of the reality for 2023 "internet", I'm OK with all that, as long as there's a certain balance, the problem is lately it seems that some are people here really my FANS(not to say anything else), and they like it to post EVERYTHING out there as fast as they can... and if it continues like this, I will be forced to go down a path that I never wanted to go down for all these years, which is discord, private channel only downloads, if you have the account linked you can download, it will not stop EVERYTHING, as I said it is impossible to do that these days, but it will decrease a little, and give more work to this unfortunate "new" minority...


Personally, I think you should just pull the trigger and move them to a private channel on discord. This would address the issue with sharing links but of course people can always upload them to their own mega account and share those. But there isn't much you or anyone can do about that. At least moving it to discord would ease some of the burden. Just my two cents.


Yeah I'm seeing how it goes on, and yes exactly it's a rabbit hole if you look too hard, but like I said, you can "co-exist" with this things with some "balance" that was before, and I didn't want "one more" skyrim discord, there are already many out there, and some people do not have a discord, they would be forced to do one, or they will end up leaving, nothing confirmed, but if it is necessary, then it will be.


well now i need the discord link then mine is not linked


Hi, don't worry, it's not going to be an overnight thing, like suddenly you need discord, I'll make a pinned post in case I go that way and it will have some time to transition, and at the moment, I'm still learning/figuring out how to make a good server XD, and well configured.


Sorry to hear this is happening dude. Your work is absolutely stunning, if you do make the discord definitely hit me up with the link and I'll be there.


Thanks!!! so i'm making one, i connected the patreon bot, and apparently, it added everyone!? took me by surprise, I didn't know it was like this

Jernaine G

Wait, what did I miss? Ok I have a discord, but how will I get access to your server?