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Own creation, based on the "Aradia harness mod"

continuing with the projects, as requested by many, many times, a "Remake" of the aradia Harness, my first "mod" conversion to BHUNP, a few years ago, I even made a V2 of the mod, a long time ago too, but the mod is dated, and upgrading it wouldn't do much  again, so like I said, I'd make my mod, from scratch, and here we are, it was pretty complicated but it's almost there, I'm still finalizing details and improvements to make it more realistic, and also some accessories, I hope you like it, below are some images comparing the old to the new...

Top "OLD" - Down "New" made by me.

Everything was done from scratch, manually by me, but keeping the old design, I completed all the missing details in the old one, and added many, many things to make it more realistic, I intend to finish it by next week at the most, if there are no problems...

Hope you guys like it!

Old mod on nexus - Link -


-Update 07/06/23-

Finished the Harness, did all the Uvs, texturing for leather, added New Images in game with (Old leather) texture tests, will make a latex version, and a New leather version, after finishing all the work on the harness, will finish the acessories like the Old ONE ; )

4K textures, as always ...




Lovely to see old work getting updated ^w^ Personally would love to see Gynax Suit next!


Hi thanks! this one is very old XD, but about gynax, is a ported outfit, not mine, very high poly, and it is modular alredy, did it has any problems? that require a update?