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hello, [not counting new mods that I bring every month] which old mod do you want, or would you like updates (at the "moment" all mods that I update will now also be compatible with 3BA), maybe add SMP somewhere in the outfit, or custom sliders, custom weight paint ???

because I usually update the ones that had more views in the past, or very old, and I didn't like the way I did in the past...

mods suggestions for updates or remakes if needed, leave a comment please, thanks!!!

----Comments Dms or requests from long-term patreons, have high priority, as always, in old mods, long term patreon comments/requests, I do my best to meet, the Latex accessories mod it's all items/acessories you guys asked me, I'm seeing how I can modify the catsuit(using the same mesh and texture maps) to have an open version at the front as requested by many, and also the question of a "armbinder", it's a little tricky to make a compatible armbinder, without using a custom animation like D.D has, and it's beyond my knowledge to do so, that's why I haven't done it yet    : (




The main thing I'm missing is BHUNP v3 compatibility. I have to convert every outfit myself, and I'm not that great at it.


I'd like to see a 3BA version of the School Girl outfit.


Definitely do more of the latex stuff, especially Fuck Doll and Latex Accessories, but I would also do some of the non-outfit ones, like the Liquid Pack and the Lust Control pack., or the Tentacles mods. As for some outfits, I think the Sexy Nurse and Cop ones would be nice. Might I suggest adding a 3BA filter so that it's easier to know which ones are already converted to 3BA? Also, any plans to make all of the currently existing mods in 3BA? I know that some might not be possible due to reasons, but it's a dream, and I'd figured I'd ask.


Hi, since BHUNP V3 came out, in fact the same day it was released, all mods are always the newest version of the body, V3 case, you mean old mods, before the release of V3 right?


Hello, at the moment I'm working on an update for latex acessories, and then I want to make some "Biosuit" (tentacles) again, I just haven't decided on the design yet, the plan is every month I update some old mods, and along with that add the 3BA together, the only thing I'm not sure about is the custom weights, which some clothes have, the 3BA has a completely different paint job from the BHUNP, but the sliders I've already managed to transfer, and or I do them again in 3BA


Possibly. It seemed like a few recent-ish downloads were V2 but I could be mistaken.


i'd say the casual clothes mod, honestly now with bhunp v3 (and big tits) i get a lot of clipping (same with the babydoll panties), that i can sometimes fix with outfit studio but since i dont know how to keep (working) the special sliders well i'd love to see a real update to bhunp v3, specially if the top could get some form of light smp action cause it's a loose blouse.


Hi, but all mods are V3 since it came out at the beginning of the year (February), literally all mods are with BHUNP V3, in the case of cliping you can't predict all slider combinations, and if you unfortunately use a body with Huge preset, things will clip is inevitable, I didn't understand the top part, if it's on the babydoll top too, it would create problems with the bottom that already has SMP.....


the smp top part i was talking about casual clothes blouse (slot 46) piece, that piece could do with some "big breasts" adjustment like the swimsuits since it benefits of it being a loose/baggy top


oh and about the bhunp v3, yeah that's weird, i mean i get no problems with several outfits/swuimsuits of yours and even raven's dress that's a extreme fit , but for that piece (again casual clothes blouse) i just changed the reference to "bhunp 3bbb advanced ver 3" and it's way better now, i just get small clippings but not while standing still and stuff like that (nipples clipping and side breasts) are related to my cbpc config's jiggly nature so i thought that that particular piece was still running a previous bhunp version


i will take a look on the casual clothes, but i dont think i can use the same method in the "blouse" as i used in the plugkini, nor add smp, would need a lot, lot of bones to have proper collisions(so Kill the fps), and probably will loose the 3bb phisics...

Chubby Mommy

I would love to see previous outfits that were bhunp only to be available for cbbe 3ba as well! like street agent, casual dominatrix, lust control, sexy cop etc


Every month, I update some, along with new mods, there are already some on the list, the priority is the requests from patreons with Long time Support, but as just a few comment or dm me with requests, it's a small list for updates... ; )