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Well today we had a person saying that I'm scamming all of you guys, with the textures, I take all the photos with a very heavy ENB, with all possible effects, full focus on the clothes, without hiding anything, but he says that the textures are Too shiny, in every pic I always show that it's shiny, it is my mod style, when it's not shiny, the pics also show that, as it in the case of the mod sweater (Simple but elegant), he also said he paid me and was cheated, I have a print that proves the opposite, as many of you may know the Patreon is Very Faulty, someone enters, downloads everything and leaves deleting the pledge, won't pay anything, then he comes back the next month, enters again , download everything again and leave, without paying anything, I keep an eye on who enters and leaves, in case my limit is this, entered and exited twice you will be blocked, unless you have already paid before, or if there was a problem with the payment method, I'm all ears, you can explain, send a PM, I analyze the case, problems happen i now.

I also understand that someone can enter, download and not like it, 1 TIME... I don't see why someone would enter a second time, to leave again, and may have downloaded everything without paying anything.

-anyway I'm doing more stuff for the F#CK DOLL mod, as soon as it's finished it will be posted to everyone, as decided by you guys!!!

suggestions or comments please don't hesitate to contact me or post a comment!!!

Thanks guys for all the support!!!!




That's thievery :(


Some ppl are pieces of shit. Don't let it get you down.


oh that's ok, the post was just for you guys to be aware of what happened because I think that at some point the person in question will get angry and speak ill of me somewhere I believe.


i never did understand why Patreon insists on a specific day for a cutoff on everyone rather than just give a member exactly 30 days of access regardless of which day they bought the membership. So for example if I pledged to a specific patreon on Jan 15.. then just charge me immediately and give me exactly 30 days access to that patreon's files which ends on Feb 15 unless I renew again.


and I don't understand either, but that's what it is unfortunately, another thing would be, I can send a 512mb Video, but not a Zip, a zip can only be up to 200mb -_-