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We have planned pretty tight schedule and we will be making lots of videos in coming months. Especially with the training of our second team.

So if you have any requests, ideas and scripts post them in the comment here.
I remember all requests that were posted previously (sock on cast, U shape frame, fully braced with diaper in home) they all will be done whenever oportunity for it arrives.

We just need a big bag of ideas, from which we can pull out the things that we will be able to make at the time. So if you have anything you would like to see in the realm of Braced Life, just post it in the comments here!



Caster Italiano

First of all I wanted to tell you that you are awesome! But you could improve. I know that the first casting process is very important but for me and I think for many other persons is very boring. You could make a separate video and anyone who wants to buy it can buy it separately. You could record the final process of a plaster, when you cut it and the girls feel better and free. I think is very hot and important these types of scenes. You could make many signatures with an indelible marker instead of making drawings with watercolors. You could record the girls as they try to paint their nails and toe nails with many difficulties in doing this. You should record the girls as they try to take a shower or try to clean inside their Minerva casts or try to put some cream outside casts. The exercises are beautiful but they are always the same, maybe you should decrease the time of the scenes. I think the scenes inside the houses are more beautiful than scenes inside the studio. The girls should try never to look in the camera and you should try not to make them laugh ever. If you can not to use the diapers it would be more real. I remember the elders HAHAHAHAHAHA. This is just one of my thoughts. I think so many people think so. Try, maybe it works who knows. You are among the most beautiful and great sites, but that's always improving. <3 <3 P:S.: sorry for my english I'm italian


The main difficulty with what you describe is plaster vs fiberglass (especially with big body cast) It takes very long to apply it and it takes very long to let it dry enough to be usable. Can't draw on fresh plaster with markers as they simply don't stick. Cast would need to be dry completely, which takes 24h at least (with big casts, even after 3 days when the shell is still in castroom you can feel that it is sometimes still not completely dry) And after like 3-6h of being in the castroom, girls are getting very tired. Making scenes in appartment raise the costs and that stacks up pretty fast. I could make a vidoe that simply would have separate segment with casting and a big separate segment with daily activities in the cast, but this would require making it more than one day - which agains makes the cost of it skyrocket. So would there be enough people ready to pay for 60min video instead of 30 Euro a 60 Euro? I don't know. Of course with fiberglass it is all doable as it is way easier, cleaner and faster to work with it. But do you want to see fiberglass? The traditional plaster is our trademark, with Tom passing away, I think that it is only us and Hungarians that still try to work with the plaster casts.

Larry Greenstein

Is this the soon-to-be-released fulll body cast set? It looks pretty good to me! If it isn't, will it be released as well? Why not have both at the same time if two different fbc's?