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Continuation of this post:


There were already 2 bidding for the building. Only we showed up but we did not place a bid in the hope they will lower the price.
They don't want to lower the price at all.
There will be a third bidding in 2 weeks, as a new potential bidder appeared.

So as mentioned early, even if we would secure the building for sure we would need external financing to start the renovation and adaptation process, which would be done with crowdfunding.

Some of you mentioned making more content in different genres to secure more funding - of course, we would make that content as more facilities would be available for us - but the reality of this business is that it is shitty business-wise.
Everything new we make gets pirated immediately and that's that.
It would be impossible to secure funding in this way.
We survive ONLY because YOU are here on Patreon with us.
Without you this would not exist, so you can pat yourself on the back 😉

Question to all interested in the crowdfunding for this project:
What kind of rewards would you be interested in?

We could of course offer:
• Pre-sale-spots for different types of casts and stay at the clinic.
• Videos with stories made to your specifications.

In what else type of rewards YOU would be interested in?




Hello, I find the idea of a stay in the clinic quite appealing. Maybe you could also introduce a kind of perk for investors. I also think the idea of writing a screenplay for a cast story is great. I already have a few in mind. I also find it interesting to introduce a kind of "voyeur" ticket. So an opportunity to watch a cast story being filmed and maybe also take on a role in the story.


I find the idea of user made stories quite appealing. I’m sure that your (not so small at all) user base has lots of ideas for new or continued stories. Speaking for myself, there are already 2 or 3 ideas in my head that could be converted into a full storyline and that I would like to share with you. Finally I would support having an own recreational clinic in other ways, too.