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Grace gets fitted with a Milwaukee Brace

Grace has scoliosis and needs to wear a Milwaukee brace to help correct her spinal curvature. Grace is apprehensive about the brace and feels shy about wearing it, but she knows it's necessary for her health. We first see Grace at the orthopedic clinic, where a nurse is fitting her with the brace. The nurse explains how the brace works and how Grace needs to wear it for 23 hours a day. Grace is nervous but the nurse reassures her and helps her adjust the brace to fit comfortably. As Grace leaves the clinic wearing her new Milwaukee brace, we see her struggling to adjust to the new sensation of the brace against her skin. She's hesitant to go out in public with the brace on, but she knows she needs to get used to it. The video then shows Grace on her first day wearing the brace, as she goes shopping with her friends. At first, she feels self-conscious and embarrassed, but gradually she gains confidence as she realizes that the brace doesn't define her. Throughout the video, we see Grace's transformation as she learns to accept and embrace her new reality with the Milwaukee brace. (Disclaimer: Any injuries or accidents in videos are not real. They are all just staged for story purposes) This video was made thanks to our Patrons support at: https://www.patreon.com/BracedLife 🚑



Ales Muron

It will be nice to much more describe, what is the feeling to be fitted with brace for the first time...