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There is an actual clinic for sale near our location.  

Loads of rooms and almost all of them have sink, which is perfect for a castroom.

Possibilities could be endless. Orthopedic ward, Psych ward (the cellar is giant. Perfect for some closed wards) stay-in rooms for patients, therapy rooms, spa rooms, you name it!

We went on a visitation and the building looks good.

The Recreational Orthopedic Clinic is our pipe dream for a few decades now.

Disneyland with a medical theme for grownups that could provide a fantasy-come-true experience!

Fellas, do any of you happen to have a spare €500.000 just laying around that you would wish to invest in central Poland? 😂

Licitation for the building starts next Friday.



Ales Muron

What you mean- recreational ?

Larry Greenstein

so, when will this picture's set be released of the cute blonde on 4 casts? PLEASE, LET IT BE SOON!!!