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Thanks to YOU all we have reach our first patreon goal that will help us immensly with rent!
Spare funds are already directed towards new clinic improvements. I will post pictures with results once they will be completed!

New patreon goals are now also established.
We don't release new videos very often. Our rate  is like 1 new video every month, and it should be 1 new video every week.
Our clinic and appliances are very underused.
Our new goal is set to combat this situation. When achieved, we will be able to have two separate teams working on new content independently, which in theory should double our output, but in practice I hope it would increase our new material release rate even further than that.

And a rather revealing sneak peak of the next BracedLife.com release in the picture!




Great, thank you! When will the video be available?


I'm working on it right now. I don't like to say that it will be ready "in this week", as it should be ready two weeks ago, but it SHOULD be ready and out in this week. For reals now.