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Some of you have mentioned that you prefer youtube over Vimeo as player for our videos.

I also prefer youtube, but we can't use it anymore as our videos are ''''''''''''''shared'''''''''''' over youtube to non-paying watchers.

''''''''sharing''''''' our content kills us.

We exist only because of YOU, the paying Patrons that subscribe to us.

So Vimeo simply makes ''''''sharing'''''' more difficult, and that is why we have to use it from now on.

You can also notice that many of our older videos on YouTube will not play for you here on Patreon, this is also caused by '''''''sharing'''''''' the content and we had to turn them private - we will gradually transfer them all to Vimeo and then they will be playable again, it just can take some time as Vimeo got transfer limits.

I'm sorry about that, as this is an inconvenience for you, the Paying Patron.
But we don't see any other way around it right now that would not enable our content to be looted.

The second thing that we would like to apologize you can see in the second picture.
If you have messaged us and have not received an answer, be assured that you are not alone.

We simply don't have enough workforce to manage the messages.

They may seem to be a simple and fast thing to reply to a message, but with other duties that involve the production of videos, and translation of them (which is an issue for us right now - hence the scarce translation sometimes in the videos)

Our Top Priority is to keep producing new content - this is something we can do at the current Patron numbers, but something else needs to be sacrificed.

Unfortunately, we can't afford to hire more crew, that would handle the messages and all workforce that we have is being put into sustaining the production of the new content.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, don't hesitate to say them in this post!

TL/DR: Don't worry if older videos are not playing for you right now. They will be transferred to Vimeo.

And if you need access to any of the private video faster, then also drop me a line here or in message and I can share private link with you via email.




Its a pitty that this is neccessary, but we want this page to be alive for longer, so we have to live with this. There are some good new Videos available, so I have purchased a month of Tier4! Keep that up!


Do you know when this video is planned to release? Love your videos but I wish we could get orthodontic videos more frequently. Thanks for the videos!