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With delivering the Ring Frame (which was a little bit more complicated that we initially assumed would be) the time has come to set some new goals and directions, which we will pursue - and here we would like to hear from You, our Patrons, what would you like it to be!

We would like to compile some ideas, on which we will make a Poll and decide together where to head up for the coming year.

Just a few propositions from us, that we could focus on:

• More new releases in a month - While they might not be as complex as they could be, we could make and release more shorter videos if, for example we would put some girls to work on them 8h a day.

• More complex stories - We do make them right now from time to time. They do consume a lot more time, effort and resources to make. There could be some more complex backstories - not only focusing on the procedures themselves, but also showing how our patients got themselves into those situations - term casts, (which are incoming, there is just always a lag between making the video and finally releasing them) more locations and situations. While there might not be that much of them as simple videos, we could invest way more time into developing longer and more complex stories.

• Recreational Clinic - The most long term project for sure. Not only it would serve the community as a place where you could experience all the treatments, that you can see in our videos, and even beyond that, but also would increase the quality and complexity of our videos, as we do need more space anyway. It would allow us to have differently themed and purposed rooms, which would make our videos more realistic.

• New equipment / orthotics - We already have some new, interesting gear incoming. There were also some ideas presented by our Patrons that we could put into life and accelerate the whole process.

• Your propositions - just throw them at us here in comments!

Happy New Year and thank YOU for your Patronage - You made all of this possible!



a heart-stopping moment!



I would really like more orthodontic videos. You asked for ideas, I have a few :). #1: The struggling of girls is really exiting to see, so a "normal" orthodontic appointment that turns into being held down, a lip spreader in the mouth and then headgear (facebow) and elastics being installed. Close ups are a must for a good orthodontic video, so take the time with close-ups. Also the girls touching their braces, headgear/finger brushing is really hot. That's something you could incorperate.


Idea #2: On a girl with braces already, order a fake activator for combining with the regular braces (bracesshop.de?). They make specialized activators and complex things. Then you could have activator, braces, headgear and elastics.