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Eww... green ice creams...



Larry Greenstein

I am having ongoing problems downloading videos from the website, sometimes they download, others do not, Chrome treats Patreon videos as Youtubes videos subject to its no video downloads allowed rules so the programs don't "read" the file in its proper size to configure for download, and the firefox video downloader professional downloads it as choppy and pixelated,.I need to know what is the ideal video download extensuion to download a properly functioning video. I have a new Windows 10 computer so the computer is NOT the issue!


They are you tube video. When you click 'play' on them and then 'you tube' logo, then it will take you to you tube directly - maybe downloading it from there will work better. Any you tube downloading site or plugin should work. Just take notice, that this video with Betty for example is more than 21GB large 4k video. You need to have enought hard drive space and downloading can take some time, depending on the internet speed connection.

Larry Greenstein

Thanks for the hint. I'll try it. The video of Betty was great! What a sport she is! How long did she actually wear the casts?


This was for a day. We have couple of term casts incoming with Betty though.