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It's finally cooled down after a blisteringly hot week across Europe...I'm actually happy for a bit of rain for a change 🏜 Also, as a full disclaimer to anyone with Fire Emblem Three Houses...Edelgard doesn't actually like swimming much so don't mess up her supports because of me ^^' 🏊‍♀️🚫 (Then again, that never stopped Leo or Xander from getting Summer Alts~)



Oisin Keller

You're so lovely!!

Joseph Loder

You look amazing as Edelgard. I have a bit of a complicated feeling about her, however... I'm going to have to wrap up my first run through 3 Houses and then play again to try and work out how I REALLY feel about her. I won't spoil anything if anyone here hasn't gotten there, but the bridge from Part 1 to Part 2 is... a thing. Definitely a thing.