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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Sorry for the long and repeated delays!
I came down sick with something that kept me in bed for over a week, but I’m feeling MUCH better now! 😇

New story coming within the next few hours, and part 2 of this one coming after that! ❤️
The schedule will be kept to this month!! 💪

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTQQsPc6bhXP16sZ1nH1GvgNWQwjwC00CdL2nIffSeSpTYBZdkdcGWMSTIbQXBGG5f7VtqAecTMvAp9/pub


Bayley Peters

This was a great story


i hope you are doing well

Silent J

Just as I signed up they completely vanish... That sucks

MrT Lexify

Hey anyone know of creators that create similar content to FriedTwice? Love their content and can’t seem to find much like theirs


Fortunately for me, FT came along after the draught left by the end of an excellent era of content online. My favorites used to be Liriel and DictionaryHash. Once they stopped creating (or became locked behind certain paywalls that weren't as worth it back then), it was tough times. Right now, I think FT represents the highest quality content in this niche. If anyone else knows of other active creators anywhere near this good, I'd be happy to hear about them too.

Joshua McDowell

Miss you, hope you are ok. Would love to hear any status about how you are doing


Anybody have the file of stories to share?

Bayley Peters

If i don't hear anything soon, id like a refund