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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Thank you for being so patient with me!
It’s difficult to do anything with the burden of stress, but these stories are especially hard to write when stressed out.
I’m so grateful to everyone for sticking through all the silliness with me; your love has helped keep me afloat, and will hopefully lift me above the things weighing my schedule down now. ❤️

I’m close to finishing up a new story, and I really think it’s a tier above.
Hopefully I’ll have it ready for release within the next 12-15 hours 😇

And I’m sorry, I missed a few messages, but I will answer them as soon I get a chance 😘

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSzICvvGFSF7dTauKk4mjRh5vJ-6Nq-DqNizO-hbdxKAy-L-ACGP87PX5WDg1rUN-f8-Psb4LmJhNxB/pub


Annah Rourke

needs another chapter


Agreed. Was just heating up