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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

I’m two full stories behind schedule, and very sorry!! 💙
I had unexpected circumstances stop me from doing any writing since I posted my previous story, but I’m putting in double time so I should have two stories coming out over the next couple of days! 😘

Also, I just figured out how to have downloadable files, so I’ll try to go back and add all those to the stories missing them!
They don’t work in the native iOS file viewer, so I would suggest using the Documents app. It’s worked best for me, and hasn’t given me any issues- or ads! 😜

💕I’m sending out the deleted old story files to more people in a little bit, please message me if you’re interested or haven’t received any yet! A lot of people are saying it’s going straight to spam, so I’ve added ‘2nd Attempt’ to the subject line cuz I’ve noticed a lot of junk get through to me that way… ❤️

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQRLYVyWKn5y3-hzIy1uUel-S7V5lyEsr-Xg7zLCD8m1QyxHfWkI8S9vJ1RvTegDUcNPcIxcA0k3L_z/pub



I really enjoyed the story direction this one took. Good job!