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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Please leave a like if you enjoyed; new story coming over the weekend, I promise! 🥰

Edit: Running a little late with the next story, but it should be ready very soon! 😇

💕I’m sending out the deleted old story files to more people in a little bit, please message me if you’re interested or haven’t received any yet! A lot of people are saying it’s going straight to spam, so please make sure to check there! ❤️

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQqP8KvBBAznawxcicBHdinY_khhKxub4EunUZR7urtJQob-7BuTK-I95yln3rd2yv5YmtOp4Gt1rwU/pub

Link to Part I: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSW35zr2aV90Z325WnKdGBrl_h_W3MbxzcOO8gU8SyWA0_BSeOBXptid3X6aeK7fX61lmdwzyzjpzA_/pub


Joshua McDowell

This was great!! I loved the bimbo speech; it was so wonderfully stilted and like totes silly 😜 The model was exquisite !!!!! Those tits were fucking luscious and perky. Can't wait for the day she sits on me❤️ plus it was a really fun mix of reluctant but horny. Really well done