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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

My first CYOA!! 💜
Leave any questions in the comments, I’ll respond as soon as I can! 😇

The prep time on this one was a lot! I thought I would have it ready Thursday, but arranging all the chapters and making sure everything was close to perfect took a really long time. Please leave a like if you enjoyed, and comment which story path was your favorite; I can’t wait for the feedback! 😘

New story coming Monday, and hopefully after that I’ll be back on schedule ❤️

And for everyone waiting for the old story files, I’m gonna start sending right now! This story was taking up a lot of my time, so I didn’t get a chance to send anything out for a little bit…

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRRqgw-UGfPUgINb2snT6xnI6cN84WbdL9vXBpp2_e6QdiS1gbIJsnnSLMb1q_mQFYeElggCq0PJ3qB/pub



As to be expected with your work, that was very high quality. Although these are probably a lot more work, I think more of these in the future would be greatly appreciated. I think combined with your already great writing style and fun stories, this CYOA style really kicks the whole experience up a few levels. Great job!


Thank you! ❤️ I really appreciate the kind words and feedback, this took a lot more work and time than my usual stories. I’m gonna try to put at least one out every month, and hopefully I’m not being too ambitious 😅