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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Sorry this one took so long!
It‘s pretty long and introduces a few new concepts, so I hope it doesn’t get too confusing!! 😇
Enjoy! New story coming Wednesday!! 😘

For anyone having issues with the files below, the following link is an easy way to view this story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQrz-_lYERp_heHwLu5cPaLLzCXJj5BWoTFexMazDKX7qd9_WMp__pKYuJaBmfCPo1C1LTJm8U0Team/pub



I’m definitely finding the scientific speak more interesting and appealing as oppose to the whole story and every word in it relating to sex, this is certainly a concept I appreciate!


I’ll try to work more in! 🥰 Honestly tried to keep the jargon to a minimum in this one, and was hoping the way I described the technical stuff didn’t take away from the story; very glad to hear you enjoyed it more! ❤️