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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

I don’t know if I got a different disease or just had a lapse in the last one, but I think I’m okay now! 😇

I’m gonna be in superwork mode now to make up for missing so many stories, so expect a new one everyday!! 😘

Stories will be released as soon as I have them ready to post, so hopefully I could get another one out soon. I have lots of drafts that are pretty close to done, just need to edit and get them ready for you! ☺️

I’ll try to update the schedule asap! ❤️

If you’re having issues with the link below, the following link is an easy way to view this story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSxVqzLbQkzregOJOQYd-HcGNepyoIwXUHo4JNxdnUqTlHaT04kfrzQdIkcMaa2O8EHTyRfdn1dPM_W/pub



Just be mindful of not burning out please, would hate for you to stop these wonderful stories!