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New story file attached in link below!! 🥰

Gonna try to put another story out tonight, but they’ve been getting a bit longer recently so it might not be till tomorrow that I finish editing and post 😇

Story link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSVU86znQF699-hSZGNSfKs1nv8HG_vWfxXQ_fu2tSAoFYl3Wr7AchU_Av-u0Ivw_cUbLxdtqNruhQ2/pub

Enjoy, and let me know if you wanna see more bodysuits or anything similar! 🥰



I loved that ending! Would fef be interested in seeing more.


Thank you!! Gonna hopefully put more bodysuit stories out soon, do you wanna see more of the hacker too? I could definitely do another hacked suit, and have a few other great plots in mind for more of these!


Yeah I love the idea of the hacker! I'm usually not unto bodysuit stories but he put a unique twist on it!

Zack Andrews

Would love to see more of this kind of stuff!