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Ben couldn't believe he was running so late, he had to be very punctual and timely for these spy missions.

Had he forgotten to put away the MAU? He had used it before he left for his assignment, but couldn't remember putting it away...

How could he be so careless? Not a big deal though, his office was off limits and locked, should be fine.

Meanwhile, Tim was babysitting for Ben, the kids were asleep and his phone had just died. Tim wandered about the house, looking for something to do. He'd never been in Ben's office before, and not for lack of trying; it was always locked though. Tonight he passed by, and noticed a key in the lock. Bingo.

He slowly walked into the office, scared there could be alarms or something, and noticed a device sitting out on the desk. "Oh sweet, an iPad!" Tim ran over to the device, and picked it up. The screen turned on when he did, displaying a pretty sexy looking redhead. "Ha, this must be what Mr. Whidbey gets off to at night!"

He locked the door and hopped onto Ben's couch with the iPad. He pressed on the display and the image shrunk, and now in the upper left corner were a bunch of sliders appearing down the screen. "Whoa, I could change how she looks? Don't mind if I do!" Tim started making the woman more to his liking, moving one slider at a time to see the live effect.

Ben was waiting at a red light when he felt a familiar feeling, "Oh fuck, someone's playing with the PTD! But I thought the door was locked?" He checked his purse for his key, but couldn't find it. "FUCK!! TIM!!!!"

His secret mission would have to wait. He floored it right through a bunch of red lights, his hair changing in length and color as he did. He had to ignore it, there was nothing he could do about it till he got home. "That kid better not do anything too pervy", he said aloud, not even wanting to consider the possibility of his mind changing. Tim could easily make him forget about the PTD and not even know it, then he'd really be screwed!

The settings were very specific and refined, but they had a VERY broad range. Ben knew. He had tested some of the limits before, it was not a very pleasant experience for him, and he wasn't ready to go through it again.

Tim was having a good time, "How big could I make these breasts?", Tim pondered, dragging the slider all the way to the max setting.

"Whoa! Ben yelped, there was intense pressure coming from his boobs. "Fuck, he's being pervy." Ben's titties burst out, and he ripped clean thru his dress.

"Wow I could even make her more turned on by different things!" He typed 'Tim Ursay" in the 'Biggest Turn On' field. "I could change her age too? 35? Mr. Whedby sure likes those milfs!" Tim lowered the age to 19, watching the girl on screen become younger and more perky.

Ben shuddered, he felt a sudden urge to kiss and fuck Tim. And was his skin getting softer? He watched his arm slim down, his whole body shrinking. 

"I have to fix this before its too late!" Ben said in a much higher tone than he was talking with before. "OMG, he made me a teenager! With giant fucking titties!

And I totally sound like a bimbo now, this is getting like, too far!”

Ben pulled up his block as his waist and stomach cinched in to almost nothing, and he was now much thinner than he had ever even tried to be. A tingling started in his pussy as Tim raised the arousal slider all the way to the max, and Ben could feel his seat start to get wet.

"I knew I'd find an ass option eventually!", Tim exclaimed, his exact fantasy coming to life on the screen. Ben raised up in his seat, as his ass inflated, why were his thighs hurting? He couldn't turn the wheel, his thighs were painfully pressed against it, but it felt soooo good.

He whizzed past his house as his hips pushed out, and his thighs filled with more muscle and fat as Ben moaned angelicly. He finally managed to lower the seat enough so that he could turn the wheel. He still knew abt the MAU and knew he still had time, a new fire ignited in him as he made a U-turn.

"Oh name! Well, I think Rachel would be nice for her."

Rachel jumped out of her car and ran to her front door, breasts and ass bouncing and jiggling. She could barely keep her balance, with the immense amount of weight bouncing both in front and behind her. Her pussy was throbbing with arousal now, but she could still fix this!!!

Tim then changed her history, changing her country of origin, and giving her a totally different life. Rachel and her parents immigrated from Africa when she was a child, her memories changed as did her skin tone.

"Oh sheeit! What'd that boy do?!?!" Ben's skin was now a beautiful, dark ebony, and he realized Tim had changed his dialect too. “Dammit that asshole totally can't be like too far from the real mind settings by now!"

Tim dragged the 'Slut' slider from 0 to 100, and the iq slider from 140 to 0.

Rachel stood in front of the door dazed "Like, the fuck was I totally doing here?", She asked aloud. Why was she in front of a house, naked save for her panties and open bra? That stopped mattering though as the iq change really settled in, and her new slutty personality took over. She stood there for a second doing nothing; eyes glazed over, and slowly raised her fist to knock.

Tim was just on the brink of orgasm when he heard a knock at the door. He jumped off the couch and speedily put his boxers and pants on, "Who could be knocking at this hour?" he went to open the door. "You're… you are…” Tim stood flustered for a minute.

"Tim, right?" Rachel giggled, and a fire lit in her eyes.

"Yeah, that's- that's me haha", Tim stammered.

"Come here babbyyy"

Rachel draped herself on the stammering teenager, her wet folds dripping all over Tim's pants. She tore them off, exposing his rock hard cock.

“Oh my god! Rachel???" Rachel couldn't even talk she just let out a high pitch moan and impaled her pussy on his cock, bouncing up and down; everything on her shaking and jiggling.

Tim grabbed her boobs, and held on for dear life. He came pretty quickly, but Rachel didn't care. "Mmmmmm" she cried out, panting sexily as Tim shot into her. She had never felt anything like this, Tim's cock was the best! She was so happy to have Tim to fuck her whenever she wanted. She curled up around Tim and started purring like a cat, all this stimulation was gettiing Tim hard again. Rachel felt his dick poking into her belly. She giggled and flipped herself over, getting ready for a second pounding.



This is a good one! (though the constant heterosexuality is a bit boring, would be a bit interesting to change it up)