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“Dad? The light’s green... Dad?”

Burt looked over to his dad, pale face looking at his phone.


“We have to go home now son!”

Burt kept asking his dad what was going on, but he was too busy flying through red lights to answer. Burt just hoped there wasn’t a fire or at something at the house...

“Let her go!!!”

Drew burst into the house, screaming frantically at the top of his lungs. Burt waited outside, and watched through the window.


Drew’s wife, Sophia was sitting at the table with his college ex girlfriend Ashley, having coffee with muffins like old friends.

“Get away from her you bitch! We’re not doing this again, I dont care what’s going on in your life now!!!”

Sophia gave him a horrified look, “I’m so sorry! He’s not normally like this...”

“Dont make excuses for me! I know what I’m doing!

Get out of my home!!

You’re not gonna let you ruin my life again!!”

Ashley got up calmly, and took a deep breath. Everybody in the room froze, and Burt found himself unable to move as well while Ashley calmly explained herself.

“Ohhh Drew, you were my first and only love, my real true love. What happened to us?

This woman is better than me?? I don’t think so!! I’ve been speaking to her for hours, and she’s a total bore! You guys can speak now, but scream again and you’ll regret it”

“Drew... what’s going on?”

“Sophia, I... it’s so hard to explain...”

Ashley got between the two of them, “Allow me! Your husband is an asshole. He made promises he couldn’t keep, and now he’s gonna pay for it.”

Sophia didn’t say a word, looking to Drew for a response to the accusations. But there was none, and all he said was a meek “sorry”.

“Sorry? O you’ll be sorry!!”, Ashley grabbed her glasses off the counter and stared into Drew’s eyes. They opened wide, and became glossed over.

A few seconds more of intense staring and, “Done!” she let Drew go, and he collapsed onto the floor.

She then turned to my Sophia, “Now you...”

“Please, I don’t know what you did to my husband, but you were right!

He was an asshole! I don’t know what he did to you, just let me go safe, please!!”

“But he didn’t do anything to me Allison, you’re the one that did. You took him from me, and now you’ll discover what life should really be like”

Burt watched horrified as Ashley grabbed his mom’s chin, and started kissing her. He wasn’t sure wether to be aroused or horrified, his mom trying to fight off Ashley’s tongue with her own.

Sophia started to get smaller, and her whole body was looking younger now. Her boobs perked up, and her moans were getting less mature.

Sophia was starting to get into it, and her clothes were starting to change with her age. She now looked like she had just graduated college, and sounded like she was mid orgasm.

The changes continued, she started going back through college and was now wearing a school girls outfit. Ashley had to bend over as Sophia got shorter, and they broke for air before continuing to kiss.

Sophia memories disappeared, she had never graduated high school, went to college, and became a mother. All of that could very well be in her future, but now she was a petite senior in high school. Her grades were pretty good, but it was because she worked hard and put a lot of time into school.

Ashley released the clueless senior, and stared deep into her eyes like she had Drew’s.

“You work so hard at school Sophia, but what’s the result? You’re failing all your classes!”

“Huh?” Memories of getting As and Bs left her head, and were replaced by failing grades on all her tests.

“But it’s alright! Just like mommy, you’re a total slut and sleep with the teachers for good grades!”

Sophia could now remember looking up from her F test paper and getting wet, thinking about how much she would have to please the math teacher with the biggest cock in the school to get a passing grade.

“Sophia was a serious girl, but Sofie is fun loving, and never goes to class!”

Now Sofie couldn’t remember any classes she had taken, but what had she been doing instead?

“All the boys know where you hang out during class. One time a teacher even tried going in and stopping your orgy, but you just fucked him into submission.

Mommy was so proud!”

Muscles that Sophia never used strengthened up; Sofie was the best at giving handjobs and blowjobs. They said she even had a secret ability to tighten her hips, and cause a dick to suffocate inside her.

“You’re not exclusive to guys either, mommy loves making out with her bi curious little bimbo all the time!”

All of Sophia’s friends were now just Sofie’s fuck buddies; guys, girls, teachers, even her mom treated her like a sex toy.

And she loved it!

She was the biggest slut in school, and everyone knew it. She looked over to the one guy that didn’t treat her like an object, her stepdad. As if on queue, he got up groggily shaking his head. Sophie let out a deep sigh, she had a the biggest crush on the one guy that wouldn’t fuck her. But that’s life.

She gave Drew a big hug, and kissed him on the cheek. Suddenly the front door burst open, and Drew’s son Burt came in.

He expected Ashley to be surprised, but she didn’t look flustered at all.

“Burt? What are you doing here? I thought you moved out, even your own father didn’t like you anymore.”

Everyone’s memory shifted, and they all remembered hating Burt. They started shouting at him,  telling him to go home immediately. He quickly went from wanting to defend his parents, to remembering them as other people that hated him.

Burt got ready to leave the house when Ashley told him to stop, he turned around against his will and faced Ashley.

“Enough of the family hate. I don’t know what you did to cause this issue, but I’m gonna solve it.” Ashley placed her glasses on Burt’s face and he quickly started transforming.

His face became a replica of Ashley’s as his lips puffed out, and got made up. His hair became silky and longer, framing his beautiful face on his slimming neck. He felt his vocal chords tighten, and shouted out in a sexy voice something incoherent.

His turtle neck sweater tightened and became sleeveless, he could see large sensitive nipples poke through the fabric as his shirt disappeared underneath.

Burt wanted to call for help, but giggled like a bimbo instead as his boobs ballooned out of his chest. He squealed in orgasm as his dick retracted into him, and his tits stopped at GG cup.

Burt felt his crotch spilt open, and moaned euphorically as his clitoris formed. Then his legs slimmed down, becoming long and shapely leading into dainty feet.

“You are now our live in maid, and as all you are capable of is loving acts toward us, we all love each other dearly.”

Drew brought them all together for a hug, “One big happy family!!”

Idea by Ben💋



good one!