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“Welcome Jake, I can’t wait to test you and I hope you pass.”

A man in wizard garb shook my hand, and directed me down a hallway. I felt a sting on my back, and my hips started swaying outward.


Strange??? I couldn’t say a word or stop walking, my ass inflating behind me. My strut got more sexy and overt as my body changed, and I felt my clothes morphing to become a dress that barely covered me!


I froze in place, wincing as my body continued jiggled.

“Perhaps you were taken by surprise from my ambush, your résumé said your powers were immense...”

Résumé? I still wasn’t able to talk, and could see that some type of mistaken switch had occurred at the employment agency I was signed up with. My name was not Jake!!

“Let’s try this again...”

I looked up, and saw a bright burst of light heading toward me. I tried fighting the light, but it was too euphoric! I leaned into it, feeling my body morphing.

I shrunk down to petite stature, and saw my hair turn red out of the side of my eye. My boobs swelled up, filling with fat and pleasure. I gave them a squeeze as my clothes changed some more, and gave the wizard a seductive look without trying to.


“Clearly you didn’t think I was gonna do that, and I caught you by surprise again. Even a great master can be caught off guard, it’s hard to fight against a transformation if you don’t know it’s coming. Consider this a warning... And I’m gonna go real light on you, help warm you up too”

Why couldn’t he just let me talk? I reached my hand out to stop him, but the light swirling from his fingers froze me. I inhaled deeply, and upon exhaling felt every part of my body explode outward.

My lips puffed out, my hair got fluffier; even my eyes got bigger. My clothes changed again, and I was now wearing a tutu and sexy corset.

The biggest change was my bust. My boobs filled the corset, bouncing in the cups and straining my shoulders with their new weight. I was starting to crave a dildo, or something phallic. I’m not gay or anything, but the urge to be filled made my mouth and pussy water.

“That’s odd... O jeez! Sorry!! That was a spell my grandad taught me. Not popular, and really hard to defend against. Once you’ve changed someone to female, this spell pretty much neutralizes them. Let’s just do a mental break, make sure your cortex isn’t turned down or something. You don’t seem right...”

The wizard drew his open palms back, and then drove them both into my forehead hard.

I blinked, and upon opening my eyes was in a totally different place. Had I blacked out? My body was numb at first, and I couldn’t tell I had been bouncing the whole time. As feeling slowly returned, I could feel the giant masses of sensual flesh and fat bouncing on my chest. My whole body was becoming more sensitive, and I couldn’t stop bouncing. I was alone in the room, aside from a camera on the wall that I was posing for. Suddenly, I felt a sucking sensation, and in a blink was back in my corset.

“That was like, soooo weird!! My brain like... was I alone? Why was I Asian?? My boobs were so big!! And I didn’t have a bra or anything, was that like, a dream?”

The wizard was smirking, and watching something on his phone. I could hear Asian me in the speakers, and realized that camera was for him.

“Like, what’s going on?”

“What’s your name young one? I bet it isn’t Jake...”

“Hmm... Like, I think my names Ray...”

The wizard let out a heart chuckle, and pulled a bottle of water out of his pocket.

“Splish splash, Ashlynn...”

He opened up his water bottle, and I got sucked into it.

I looked down to my tattooed body, hearing a voice in my head. “You are now in the Ashlynn bottle, and will slowly become Ashlynn. After a month you will be ready to come out, and you will become an internet model to make us money safely from our headquarters. The service we perform is expensive, and we can’t expect normal citizens to afford it. You’re our most important employees, our cogs in the wheel!!”

Thirty days later I was let out of the bottle, and brought to the other Ashlynns. I looked around the room, proud of how much sexier I was than the rest of them.

A different wizard than before addressed us, “Alright ladies, everyone ready to start the day? I would like to introduce the new Ashlynn, I’m sure you’re all quite familiar with each other already! I’ve set up all the computers girls, prime cam time is now!”

All the girls went to their computers, but I stood still, “Cam? Like... I totally don’t know what that is... Is a guy gonna be coming, or...”

“What?! You don’t know what camming is?? Who the hell conditioned you??? Listen...”


My skimpy bra became a couple of lacy straps, and my panties disappeared. I had bunny ears now, and was holding a large carrot. I gave it a knowing glance and strutted off to my computer, with new knowledge about fetishes and the internet cam game in general.


The master brushed himself off, “What a mess! I thought we were running an operation here, I can’t be wasting my time on little things like that.”

General Hais came to show off his new creation, not realizing what had just went down.

“So master, you like my new Ashlynn?...”

“That’s your Ashlynn?? Why the fuck didn’t she know what a cam was?! What do you do conditioning for anyway? I had to teach everything she has to do!”

The master pointed over to Bunny Ashlynn, now sticking a large carrot up he pussy for her camera.

“Nooo!!! Sir! We had an agreement with her! She wanted bigger boobs and no tattoos, I told her she could do that as a maid.”

The master’s eyes lit up, “And???”

“And on her off hours she will be our first live in, sex maid!”, General Hais took pride in the master’s joy.

“But as you know, reconditioning is a tedious task. I was hoping this Ashlynn could kinda just wing it with the cam stuff, you should’ve seen her cleaning the kitchen before. And so sexy! I know I should’ve checked with you first, and of course I could reprogram her everyday...”

“No problem general!! My mistake! I should’ve assumed there was a good reasoning for such neglegent oversight! We’ll figure st out for the webcam, maybe we’ll just let guardians fuck her on cam without their faces showing, of course...

I see a promotion to administration in your future, general!”


I hope it didn’t get too complicated with the asterisks! I had to switch from first to third person, and thought it would be easier. Please let me know if you think there’s a better way to do this, and stay safe!! 💋💋💋


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