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This is Atly, he is a scientist in Dareedor and thanks to him the city has power for the devices we are so used to in modern times. He also knows a little about medicine, especially blood tests. Sometimes acts as an advisor to the ruler of Alun-Theros.

He is somewhere around 200 years old, but his life has been very full of various circumstances, from murders and survival, to what he has now.


Few people know that Atly is not only an advisor to Alun-Theros, but also his faithful bodyguard and savior from some nasty dartorians. This often happens at large ceremonies where there is a lot of crowd and attention to Alun-Teros. He constantly follows the ruler's gestures to understand when to start speaking for his, or to remain silent when Theros needs advice, or when it is necessary to focus all attention on a suspicious interlocutor. In quite extreme cases, when the situation requires quick action, or the ruler may be in danger, Atly needs blood to fully reveal his abilities and powers. Alun-Theros has no choice but to give it his own blood. For Atly, this is quite an honor, because among vampires such things are considered very intimate. Even more intimate than sex.



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