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Q: When you turn into a horse, can you choose its breed or is it determined at birth?

What do you feel when you turn into a horse?

Isael: I don't know who I was from birth, but this world gave me the opportunity to turn into a horse. I look like a Friesian horse, if the information I have received from various sources is to be believed. But here the guidains do not have a breed, only the origin of their species.

I don't use this look very often in everyday life, so not many people know about it. It is very inconvenient to undress in order to turn into a horse, and you do not feel this process in any way, compared to how you find a fabric that tears on you or tightens. This is very dangerous, there are chances of suffocation.

My consciousness, at the moment during the change of form, seems to fall somewhere. It's like falling asleep and waking up.

But if you delay this "dream" for a long time, you can lose yourself...



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