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I signed up for Ask with Isael, but he is in Ukrainian. Therefore, I will try to translate here into English as best I can.

Q: Where did you get such beautiful hair? How do you keep track of it and have you ever thought of cutting it?

How difficult is it to take care of such unrealistically beautiful hair? Do you put them in or do they stand so nicely by themselves?

Isael: It's just a matter of habit. I wash it once every 3 days, or more often if the situation requires it. Then I wait for it to dry and comb it thoroughly. They naturally curl and this adds volume.

I didn't think to cut my hair, because I stick to a certain look, which is already my "business card". Especially the shine in it. I don't know where it comes from, but it looks like some kind of... enchantment?

And in general, hair on the head is half the trouble. I still have a tail, if you didn't know.



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