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I found the strength to draw a little. This drawing is dedicated to my love of my life, Ulfrun. He went to the troops, unable to look at what is happening in our country. We live in different cities, and on the first day of the attack on my city, he immediately went with the words "I can't look at how the Dnipro is being bombed." He only mentioned my city, not any other, not even a country, but my city, where I am, and where he wants to protect me ... I hope everything will be fine with him, he was sent somewhere today, and he said that can disappear for a few days from my field of vision... т.т

After the first day of the bombing, nothing else happened in my city. Danger is near, but not yet reached *spit*. The eastern part suffers terribly. Kharkiv is now being destroyed just as they can. Cities near the sea are also not in the best condition. Kyiv is destroyed in places. People are sitting in bunkers, dying... it's terribly scary...




Art has real power; it can convey and evoke emotions. Emotions have real power; nothing can be done without an emotion to motivate it. Even for my highly logical nature, I can't actually do anything unless there's some emotion that motivates me. In that way, the brush is mightier than the pen or the sword. Use that power well.


This is honestly horrifying, but it's good to see that Ukraine is bloody but unbowed. May the invaders pay several times over for every crime they commit, and may you stay ok!