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Very interesting. During the day my Patreon opened quietly, but now the Internet won’t load it. Another person’s Patreon hasn’t been working since the morning and the only way to get to it turned out to be by turning on VPN. Have our ISPs started blocking Patreon or what?



i really hope it doesn't get worse :o


I doubt any ISP would be blocking patreon. If it's working through a VPN, I suspect that one of the checkpoints between you and patreon host is experiencing technical issues and has thus caused patreon to be periodically unreachable. A connection between a user and website passes through many points along any given route to the destination and it's to my understanding that these various points are known as gates and sometimes they just have problems now and again. The amount of issues it can potentially cause are significant.


Maybe. Now everything is fine again. It just bothered me a little that it didn’t work for another person, since we have different providers. And I had a case at the beginning of the war, when the provider actually blocked access to Patreon, citing the fact that it was a Russian site (idiots). It didn’t work exactly for six months, and then apparently it dawned on them that they had done something stupid.