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Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for your patience. I'm sorry I didn't have the time to have someone proofread this for me so please be indulgent as I'm the only person who proofread it and English is not my first language haha!

Chapter 8 - Stein the Paladin

As the sun sets on the horizon, you approach Scandalkeep and the sight is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The outer walls, constructed from weathered gray stone, rise majestically. Each scratch and crack on their surface spark your imagination, evoking dreams of the centuries of history they must have witnessed. Towering spires adorned with faded banners pierce the sky, reaching towards the heavens like sentinels guarding the repository of secrets within.

Massive iron gates covered with beautiful engravings hold back the keep’s many treasures. A multitude of scenes inspired by folklore from all over Gaerûn are depicted in the artwork, solidifying Scandalkeep’s reputation as a well of wisdom free of borders. It is a revered place where all knowledge - even the most scandalous - is valued above everything else.

At the entrance, stone statues of robed figures flank the way, their stoic expressions serving as silent guardians. As you walk up to the gates, you notice an elegant sign framed with ebony. The script on it is enchanted with a charm designed to make it appear to you in your mother tongue. The illusory message reads:

We bid you welcome seeker of wisdom
In our most revered kingdom
Many are the secrets you wish to learn
But your entrance must be earned
To reach our mysteries most profound
You must speak one truth unbound
So, seeker, please heed this call
So you can walk into our hallowed hall.


FINN: I’m lost.

DIEGO: It’s a riddle, big guy. Maybe not your forte.

MARKUS: It sounds like it’s asking for a password or something along those lines.

JADE: Come on, we’re not sissies! We could just keep walking.

BEN: You could walk all night, but you're gonna start gaining points of exhaustion. And I would argue there are plenty of sissies at this table.

FINN: Maybe we could camp outside?

MARKUS: But what if there are more hobgoblins?

BEN: Or other monsters. Deadlier monsters… Not that I have anything like that prepared.

DIEGO: We could- No wait, I need to rest before I can do my thingy again.

MARKUS: And with all the healing from before, I’m pretty much tapped out too.

FINN: Right… I guess I don’t wanna risk dying again.

BEN: Come on, you just died a little, you didn’t “DIE” die.

FIROUZ: The Sun rises in the East!

FINN: Huh…?

DIEGO: What’s that all about?

MARKUS: Oooooh! “Speak one truth”. Smart.

FIROUZ: Does it work?


Azad steps forward and speaks a universal truth aloud. You all hold your breath in anticipation and then…

Nothing happens.


FIROUZ: Aargh that’s bullshit! I hate puzzles.

DIEGO: What? How? You’re like the smartest person I know.

BEN: Roo is great at logic and reasoning, but he doesn’t have that much patience for creative thinking.

FIROUZ: I can still do it. What was the wording again?

MARKUS: Here, I wrote it down.

FIROUZ: Ah thanks, man.

FINN: Have you been taking notes this whole time?

MARKUS: Of course.

FINN: We were supposed to take notes?

MARKUS: It’s okay, Finn, I’ll share my notes with you.

JADE: Awwwn.

DIEGO: Oh! “A truth unbound”! Could it be code for like an unhinged read?

BEN: I don’t know. Could it?

DIEGO: Let me try!


With much optimism, Corentin steps forward, pushing Azad aside and taking a dramatic pose before casting “vicious mockery”. His voice reverberating from the arcane enhancement, he says:

“Our mystery is that our fighter has the most vitality and yet is still the first one to fall in combat.”


FIROUZ: I wouldn’t call that unhinged.

DIEGO: Did it work?

BEN: No. But Finn takes 3 points of psychic damage.

JADE: I think you’ve found the answer to your mystery.

DIEGO: Maybe that wasn’t a harsh enough truth.

FINN: Can the next one be about someone else? I still don’t have that much HP left.

FIROUZ: How are you still low on HP after Markus burned all his spell slots to patch you up?

FINN: Well, after the battle, there was the poisonous mushroom.

JADE: I keep telling you not to eat what you find on the ground.

FINN: Then, there was the poisonous snake pit.

DIEGO: You mean “venomous” snakes.

FINN: Yeah, those too. And then I hurt myself during the short rest.

BEN: I warned you that the DC for shaving with your sword would be high.

FINN: And then-

FIROUZ: It’s okay, I get it.

BEN: Now, Markus…


Oren’s sharp ears catch a sound, undistinguishable at first, but quickly growing louder. It sounds like barking.


JADE: Don’t tell me they’re sending the dogs after us!?


Discreetly, the druid signals you to stay quiet and listen. Soon, you can hear the same barking and growling, but something about it seems strange. You don’t recognize the sound as natural barking. There is an otherworldly tone to it. A demonic tone.


MARKUS: I have a bad feeling about this… Let's solve this puzzle and get inside quickly.

FINN: I break the door!


The large doors stand still as Finnigan slams his heavy body against it. The barking grows louder. Whatever is making the noise is getting closer.


FIROUZ: I will pick the lock!


Azad approaches the gate, lockpick in hand, and realizes that it does not feature a lock to pick. The barking grows closer still, soon the creature will reach you.


JADE: I yell at them to let us in. Someone’s bound to hear us.


Hekate’s call reverberates against the massive structure but remains unanswered. Once again, the barking resounds, this time accompanied by the rattling of a chain.

“Well, you’ll have our deaths on your conscience!” the witch shouts at no one in particular. “Stupid wizards!”

As you all turn your attention towards the approaching noise, you see a duo of creatures rapidly moving towards you.

The first creature - which you deduce is the source of the barking - has an obviously canine appearance, but its fiendish origin is undeniable. Its sleek, obsidian fur shimmers with an unnatural luster broken in parts by hellish markings resembling smoldering embers. Its fiery orange eyes glow with an intense malevolence, burning like molten coals beneath a furrowed, bony brow and a pair of pointy horn-like ears. Its mouth opens on a set of razor-sharp fangs and as it barks, you can see a glimpse of dancing flames at the back of its throat. A leather collar binds the hound to a chain held by the second creature who follows not far behind.

The beast’s master comes into view revealing her ethereal form. Her long raven-black tresses dance in the wind as she dashes towards you. Her blood-red eyes glimmer with the fiery glow of vengeance, opposing her beautiful, delicate features and her moonlight-pale complexion. Clad in onyx-colored armor, she wields a demonic blade in one hand and carries a chain similar to the Hell hound’s leash at her belt. A pair of majestic angelic wings tainted black by infernal influence unfurl at her sides with a dark elegance that leaves you both awestruck and terrified.


DIEGO: Another pretty girl?

BEN: Hey! You got your male dryad, let me have my hot Fury.

FIROUZ: A Fury, eh?

FINN: Oh! I thought you said “furry” for a second there.

BEN: Ostie. Just roll initiative, guys.


Promptly set free by its master, the Hellhound dashes towards the group, baring its teeth and growling menacingly. Stray sparks escape its maw, announcing what’s to come, but you scarcely take notice before it engulfs the whole party in a scorching blast of white-hot flames.

With blinding speed, Azad manages to jump- I mean “backflip” away from the blaze. Once the searing inferno disperses, the rogue takes comfort in the sight of his companions, still standing despite the extensive damage taken from the fiendish beast’s fire breath.

Directing his attention at the Fury, Oren exclaims: “We do not wish to quarrel with you. Please leave us-”

“I am here for the bounty.” she interrupts him before looking beyond the druid and adding: “If you do not wish for your friends to die in the crossfire, come with me.”

“Don’t you dare touch them!” shouts Hekate while stepping forward. “If my master wishes me back in his domain, tell him he’ll have to come get me himself.”

“I am not here for you, leech.” the Fury declares before gesturing towards the rogue. “I am here for him.”

With a deceitful smile, Azad replies: “You’re mistaken, I am but a humble-”

“Save it.” says the Fury. “You’re out of time and Lord Paulus is out of patience.”


JADE: Lord Paulus? Wow, that sounds… Familiar.

FIROUZ: Think it’s the same guy as your Bulus dude?

JADE: Is your guy a devil too?

FIROUZ: He isn’t supposed to, but I mean, he just sent a bounty hunter from hell after me so…

BEN: Enough meta-talk, guys, back to combat.


A fierce battle ensues with the hellish huntress and her mongrel quickly gaining the upper hand. In her stride towards her target, as she pushes the others aside, she draws her dark iron chain and lashes Azad.

In a desperate attempt to protect him from being taken, Finnigan bashes the Fury with his shield, skewing her aim enough to save his companion. Enraged by the human's insolence, she pierces his chest with her dark sword, snuffing the light out of his eyes.


FINN: Again!?


With the fighter down, Corentin loses the wall of muscles and plate that separated him from the Hellhound, plunging him into a state of panic. In the urgency of the situation, the bard hurriedly strums a chord on his lute, liberating a flurry of sparks that surrounds the creature.

“Good doggy” he says with a trembling voice.

The hound then disappears in a burst of smoke, leaving behind an inoffensive snail in its place. At the sight of his successful spell, Corentin breathes a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Oren, sensing the imminent danger for his Genasi companion, shapeshifts into a bear and lunges claws first at the Fury. Reflexively, she pulls her sword out of the fighter and swings it at the beast in retaliation, splattering the ground with a large arc of blood in the process.

“There’s only room for one demonic bitch here.” Hekate declares as sparks of arcane energy fly around her.

One, two, then four eldritch blasts strike the huntress, but she remains unyielding, sword in hand and chain in the other, ready to capture her target. She ignores the witch’s remark and advances towards the rogue still, seemingly unbothered by the attacks of his companions.

Desperate to stagger her long enough to attempt an escape, Azad batters her with slashes of his daggers to no avail. With his acute sense, he deduces that she resists the bite of mundane steel as well as the force of magic.


FIROUZ: And of course, the only person with a silvered weapon is unconscious. Can anyone heal Finn?

DIEGO: I’m out of spell slots.

MARKUS: Me too… And I’m a bear. I don’t think I can cast spells as a bear.

DIEGO: Don’t underestimate what a bear can do.

JADE: And unless you want me to cremate his body, there isn’t much I can do either.

FINN: It’s okay, guys, I’m dead, but I’m not “DEAD” dead.

BEN: Not yet at least. Finn, you can roll a death saving throw now.


In the corner of his eye, Azad notices that Finnigan bleeds profusely. He quickly gathers that if the fighter does not receive medical attention soon, he will certainly die. Taking advantage of this moment of distraction, the Fury swiftly throws her chain at the rogue. On contact, the chain magically expands and binds him tightly, leaving in her hand a leash similar to the Hellhound’s.

“Let me go!” the rogue pleads. “I’m on my way to make a shit ton of money, I’ll be able to pay Lord Paulus back.”

“You are to be taken before you reach the Golden Palace.” reveals the Fury. “Such are my orders and I won’t negotiate.”

Suddenly, her wings spread open, releasing a blast of wind that knocks the bear and the Tiefling prone. She then takes flight, lifting the bound rogue from the ground.

While everyone else’s eyes are on the ascending Fury and their kidnapped companion, Finnigan feels someone reach for him through his flickering consciousness. A large strong hand caresses his chest with a reassuring, almost fatherly warmth. The warmth spreads through his body, replacing the dizzying pain of his deadly wounds with a tingling sensation. The worst injuries heal in a matter of seconds and the fighter’s eyes snap open abruptly as he gasps for air.

In his blurry vision, what looks like the silhouette of an angel looks upon him against the amber dusk. The celestial figure then shifts its gaze toward the monster taking flight and speaks with authority:

Foul spirit, thou dost not belong in this world.  Avaunt at once!

“Paladin,” she sneers, “you shall not meddle in my master’s affairs.”

Everyone’s attention shifts to the paladin. A tall half-orc attired in shining ceremonial armor adorned with golden wings stands by the prone fighter. Uncommon for his race, his strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes seem to soften his rugged appearance and give him a nearly angelic charisma. A golden pendant hangs from his neck, depicting a four-pointed star, the holy symbol of the goddess Mother. A halberd in one hand, and a large shield in the other, he seems prepared for combat, but remains calm before the fearsome fiend.

“The Great Mother protects her children.” he proclaims confidently. “She will not let your master claim this soul, Erinyes.”

The paladin then plants his shield firmly in the ground and takes out a silver bell. Raising the gleaming instrument over his head, he strikes forth in a series of powerful but controlled swings. The bell rings, softly on the first strike, but then quickly grows in power. Its sharp chime resounds all around you with echoes resembling more that of a clock tower than a simple hand bell. Through the crescendo of heavenly bells, you can almost sense a choir of angels join in with the half-orc when he repeats:

Avaunt at once!

The fiend lets out a scream of rage as she shimmers and disappears with a loud popping sound, breaking Azad free of the chain and making him plummet to the ground. With another ring of the bell, the polymorphed Hellhound is also banished in the same fashion. The paladin then offers a serene smile and explains:

“The Great Mother bestowed on us good fortune in allowing us to cross paths.” He then helps Finnigan to his feet before continuing: “I am Stein, and I take it you’re also seeking refuge within the walls of Scandalkeep.”


FINN: Wow… That guy is so cool.

JADE: A half-orc, eh?

FIROUZ: That bell of banishment could probably fetch a pretty penny…

DIEGO: Dude, don’t steal from the guy who just saved us.

FIROUZ: I’m just playing my character!

MARKUS: Guys, we still don’t know how to get in.

FIROUZ: Oh yeah, about that… I think I figured it out.


Azad stands up from his short fall and dusts himself up before stepping toward the gate once more. He turns to his tired companions and explains:

“A truth unbound, you see… It’s a secret revealed.”

He then looks back to the enchanted sign and takes a deep breath before offering his secret to the keep:

“Never before have I had friends… Today was the first time someone ever stood up for me.”

A weighty silence hangs in the air for a few moments, leaving Azad feeling more exposed than he ever has among people he just dared call his friends. Stein looks upon the group with a smile of fatherly pride, content to bear witness to such an open-hearted declaration. After a few seconds of the quiet realization, Finnigan finally breaks the silence:


He is however interrupted by the loud grinding sound of the large iron gates dragging on the ground as they spread out seemingly by magic. Scandalkeep, the library of secrets, is finally open to you.

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Story was amazing Ollie!!!! You got me wondering who the Fury was though!!! Lol


Hahaha I considered drawing her as a bonus post, but I figured it would probably please more people if I move on to the next chapter.


Aaah I'm smiling so hard right now. Markus taking notes and Diego correcting "venomous" really spoke to me lol. The action is so much fun!


Hahaha for some reason, I feel like Markus and you play similarly 😛 but he's being such a good boy for his first time. I'm so happy you're enjoying the story so far