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The D&D story continues...?

  • Option 1: Abridge the D&D story 0
  • Option 2: Keep the D&D story coming 37
  • Option 3: Take a break and split the D&D story 17
  • 2024-02-28
  • —2024-03-02
  • 54 votes
{'title': 'The D&D story continues...?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1: Abridge the D&D story', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Option 2: Keep the D&D story coming', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Option 3: Take a break and split the D&D story', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 17, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 28, 16, 26, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 54}


Hi everyone!

I'm enjoying the D&D project a lot and I hope you've been enjoying it too so far. 

When I offered it, it was a new type of content that I wasn't sure would please everyone. Now, I know that some of you love the written short stories and that others don't care for those at all

Through February, as part of this project, I have written 6 chapters and drawn 14 illustrations and of course there's more... 

I don't lack inspiration, but I'm worried that a significant part of the community is tired of the project and wants to move on to something else. That is why I wish to offer you a chance to be heard.

Option 1: Abridge the D&D story

Basically, I would try to end the story in the next two or three chapters at most, meaning Nik would finally arrive and then the gang would move forward with their quest and the story would at least have some semblance of closure. That way, we could move on to something else quicker.

Option 2: Keep the D&D story coming

Now, there are some NPCs I'd like to add that were not initially planned like the Hobgoblin, a Monk, a half-orc champion, a guest alchemist, etc. The thing is adding those to the story means I'll need to add chapters to fit them in. With these added in, I think we would come to a total of 13 or 14 chapters.

Option 3: Take a break and split the D&D story

So this is basically a compromise. We would take a break from the D&D project and do something else for (at least) the month of March and then, later, we would come back to the D&D project to complete the remaining chapters. Let me clarify that I am not asking for a break from the D&D project. I'm enjoying it thoroughly. But my job is to keep you guys happy, and if you need a break from the fantasy world, I have plenty of other projects (and fanservice) I would be equally happy to bring to you.

Are you a fan of the written stories? Do you think we should move away from those? Are you getting impatient waiting for episode 10?

As always, you are welcome to elaborate in the comments section and I will try my best to reply to everyone.

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I'm biased bc I love DnD stories and the fantasy designs. If you wanted to do the compromise option, I wouldn't complain bc I love Cabaret Bara too 😂


Do you subcontract the writing to sb else? That'd let you focus on the graphic aspect 100% but still do this sidequest. Talk with your financiers ;)

christian valdez

Personally I love the D&D storyline and art you are absolutely amazing. I can see why some people who are here just for the comic might only want the comics but I think this is a way gave us a new light to see you as not only a artist but a writer and story teller. I would love for you to continue the D&D until the end. I want to know what happens the the travelers and the new hot creatures we will come to meet. I do wonder if maybe like with what you did before give us an option/ heads up on what you plan to do for the month so for those who do not wish see or continue the membership could op out and wait for a tweet or even just subscribe to a free membership that only offers account updates that tell them what the upcoming months will have. That way subscribers can have control on what they want to pay for. Personally I’m here for it all and I’m sure there will be a lot of subscribers that will follow all of your work. But I think this would help with those who might leave negative comments or who feel like this kind of art isn’t not their cup of tea and then you will have a schedule that you can stick to and not stress over it. You already give us amazing content. I would have it if you felt stressed for all this. Anyways all in all. I love you, your work, and will continue to support you through and through. Thank you for everything!


Thank you for all your kind words. And I think that announcing the plans (kinda like I did for the D&D project) would definitely be a good way for patrons to pick and choose which projects they wanna support. In this case, I was more worried because I'm extending into March while I had planned to keep the D&D story mostly for February. But of course, the project took more time than I anticipated (I admit I was very ambitious with the size of some chapters lol) so even though the D&D side story got the most votes, I wanted to give people who might be a bit tired of it an option to take a break or move on. Although, I gotta say the results so far are taking me by surprise. Judging by Patreon's metrics, I didn't think the D&D storyline was so popular, but I'm happy to see the numbers proven wrong. I'll keep holding my breath though, there's still time for people to vote and the tide may turn.