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Chapter 6 - Oren the Druid

You awaken to a stranger watching over you. In the rosy glow of dawn, a few bristles shimmer along the thin layer of grey fur that covers his body. As the morning blur clears out of your eyes, you notice his pointy ears perk up as a warm smile draws itself across his face.

“Good morning, friends!” the creature says cheerfully.

His voice, low but friendly, sounds like a cup of warm honey to your ears.

“Good morning, Oren.” replies Corentin as he pulls up his leather pants.

“I haven’t slept so good in a long time.” comments Azad, stretching his arms towards the sky.

“Where’s Akastos? And who are you?” asks Hekate.

Finnigan raises one eyebrow: “And why are you furry like that?”


DIEGO: Oh my God, Finn, you can’t just ask people why they’re furry.

FINN: I’m sorry, I didn’t know there were furry people.

FIROUZ: I’m surprised you picked a Firbolg, Markus. I thought you’d go with something more cunty like an Aasimar.

MARKUS: Oh, Ben recommended that race. I think I have a thing for the “gentle giant” vibe.

DIEGO: Oh, we know.

MARKUS: (nervous chuckle)

JADE: Oh I see… Weren’t the original Firbolgs all redheads too?

MARKUS: (slowly melting down his chair)

BEN: You’re right! In previous editions, they were.

FINN: It’s crazy how much you know about these things, Jade.

JADE: Some things are just common knowledge. (winking at Markus)

MARKUS: (hiding behind his character sheet).

BEN: So, Oren, care to introduce yourself?

MARKUS: S-s-sure.


“Akastos rests in his oak. My name is Oren, I’m sorry I introduced myself only to your friends earlier while you were asleep, but we’ve met already…” says the Firbolg.

“We have?” the Fighter asks, visibly confused.

“In the form of a stag.” Oren clarifies.

“Our new friend is a druid.” explains Corentin.

“And a bit of a voyeur apparently.” adds Hekate

“Voyeur?” repeats the Firbolg, confused. “I do not know what that means, but suffice it to say that Akastos is my partner and we share everything.” He pauses briefly before adding “He has given you the sylvan blessing, like I have bestowed it upon your companions so we may all travel safely across the forest.”

“We?” Azad scoffs. “Now, the more people we add to this party, the smaller each cut of the reward is gonna get.”

“There’s a reward?” Hekate asks with a smirk.

“Ah shit!” replies the rogue, facepalming.

“If it is any consolation, friend, know that I see no value in gold. I only wish to accompany you to protect my home.” says the druid. His eyes light up when he adds: “Akastos would not allow me to go on my own, but with other adventurers at my side, I believe I can reach the heart of the curse that leaks into our forest.”

“Oh, you work for free!?” exclaims Azad. “You should’ve said so from the start!”

“I think that’s his way of saying ‘welcome to the party’.” concludes Finnigan with a friendly tap on the Firbolg’s shoulder

After a quick breakfast of dried rations, the group leaves the comfort of Akastos’s glade for more adventure.

With Oren as your guide, and possibly thanks to the sylvan blessing, you progress quickly through the rest of the forest while managing to avoid most battles. As you venture forth, the towering trees and fey influence of the Everhard Woods gradually give way to the warm embrace of sunlight and the dry air of the open road. As the woodland canopy thins, revealing a clear sky, you step on the dirt path that leads to the main road.

Despite the night spent in the forest, you are well on your way to the Golden Palace and can easily predict that you will make it to Scandalkeep by sunset. The distant silhouette of rolling hills and mountains in the horizon promises that the Clapping Mountains lie not much further down the road, hinting at the fact that the keep will likely be your last stop before reaching your destination.

As you near the halfway point of your walk, your new companion slows his step. Thanks to his superior senses, Oren notices shadows moving between the rocks and trees that flank the road. Something - or someone - is at your heels.

What do you-

“Friends, we are being followed!” exclaims the druid.

Hearing the Firbolg’s panicked warning, the hobgoblins jump out of hiding.


MARKUS: Oh, I’m sorry, guys.

DIEGO: No, no, it’s not your fault, Ben is just being a dick.

BEN: Hey!

FIROUZ: Yeah, we should get a surprise round since you spotted them.

BEN: Nice try, Roo, but they have ears too.

JADE: It’s fine, guys, I can’t wait to blast them to bits.

FINN: It’s not gonna be like that goblin cave video, is it?


The calmness of the road is broken by the guttural sounds of gruff voices and the clattering of armor. Emerging from the shadows are four hulking hobgoblins, their scarlet skin and monstrous musculature sowing fear in your eyes. Despite their common ancestry with goblins, you can see that these creatures have little to do with the short green pests you would associate their name with. They seem much mightier, smarter, and more importantly, more dangerous. Despite their wild appearance, they move in near-perfect unison with military precision and quickly surround your party.

Clad in dark pieces of plate adorned with intimidating spikes, a fifth member appears, closing the group’s circle around you, right in the middle of the road. A cape made of the pelts of various beasts rests on his shoulders, and his towering figure inspires even more fright than his companions’. You can tell only by looking at him that he is the group’s leader

The hobgoblin leader locks eyes with each of you momentarily, his gaze seething with a calculated ferocity. His lips part on a set of sharp teeth as he barks at his men in a barbaric language. Their formation tightens as they ready themselves to unleash a coordinated assault.

Roll initiative!

Aided by his quick-thinking and lightning reflexes, Azad strikes an axe-wielding hobgoblin with his daggers before the creature has a chance to step forth. Skillfully maneuvering around the large creature, he deftly kicks his rear, pushing him to anger, but also creating an opening for his allies.

Dashing forward in a flash of silver, Finnigan meets the distracted monster sword first. His gleaming blade whistles against the air as he swiftly slashes at the mountain of muscles, splattering the ground with his blood.


FIROUZ: He’s not down yet? Damn! Those are some tanky hobgoblins.

FINN: Then I’m gonna do the “action surge” thingy.


Using the momentum of his first two strikes, the fighter swings his sword again in a spinning motion-


FINN: While going “kyaaaah”!

FIROUZ: Good call.


-in a spinning motion accompanied by an elvish warcry he learned in his travels through the kingdom of Ghyrule. But despite the tremendous show of force, the hobgoblin endures and retaliates with an attack of his own… Directed at Azad.


FIROUZ: Why me!? Ginger over there did much more damage!

BEN: But he’s smart, he can tell you’re the brain behind the attack.

MARKUS: The burden of acumen, I suppose.

FINN: What’s a Q-man?


As the hobgoblin raises his axe, ready to strike the Genasi, he is faced with a large metallic shield. Finnigan, in the nick of time, bravely intercepts the blow, saving his companion from the attack. But enraged by the fighter’s insolence, the monster strikes again, this time, aiming for the redhead, and delivers a ravaging hit.

The leader raises his sword towards the wounded human before addressing you in the common tongue for the first time: “Surrender.”

Without allowing anyone the time to respond to his command, he skillfully swings his sword in a series of powerful but controlled gestures, slashing Finnigan once, then twice, before plunging his sword in his abdomen. A gasp escapes the fighter’s lips as the hobgoblin pulls out his weapon, letting his body fall limp on the ground.

“Or suffer the same fate.” adds the monster, coldly.


FINN: Wait, I’m dead?

BEN: Knocked out. But you might bleed out and die during the fight.

MARKUS: We’re not gonna let that happen.

JADE: We should focus on getting rid of those guys first.

FINN: But I don’t wanna die.

DIEGO: You’re not gonna die.

MARKUS: No you’re not!


Shocked by the display of violence, Oren can almost feel the color leave his face. But sensing the pressing need of his new companion, he quickly gathers his wits and raises his staff. Calling upon the power of his druidic circle, he summons a divine totem of light that takes the phantasmic form of a unicorn.




He then extends a hand towards his fallen ally, his trembling fingers barely grazing the bleeding wounds as he speaks words of magic: “Quaeso ne moriaris.” And suddenly, the human’s injuries heal. Bloody gashes and scratches close up in an instant without leaving behind even a scar.

Each of you also receives some healing thanks to the unicorn totem.


FIROUZ: When I said “gay”, what I meant was “thanks”.

DIEGO: A common freudian slip.

JADE: But that’s pointless if-


But then, another hobgoblin strikes with a warhammer, and another with a flail, and then a third one with a pair of swords. Quickly, the druid and the rogue fall unconscious next to the fighter who, still on the ground, is barely holding on to consciousness himself.


MARKUS: Point taken.

FINN: They’re way too strong for us.

BEN: I may have overestimated your group.

FIROUZ: We literally almost died at the hands of plants.

DIEGO: I have an idea!


Corentin, stepping back away from the enemies facing him, wields his magical lute, almost eager to cower behind it. But waving away the fear in his heart, he finds the strength to play a melodious chord which unleashes a burst of magic. Purple sparks gracefully swirl around him, forming an illusory mantle of twinkling lights as he turns towards the hobgoblin leader and speaks a command: “Surrender!” His voice reverberates around the group as if they were atop a mountain.


JADE: Oooooh, command! Clever.

DIEGO: Thank you.


Bewitched by the bard, the hobgoblin leader drops his weapon and kneels, offering himself to the caster.

With a wave of the hand and wise use of her metamagic, Hekate quickly defeats the previously injured hobgoblin while intimidating the others into retreating. As swiftly as they can, they pick up their unconscious comrade and flee the crackling energy of the witch’s eldritch blasts. Leaving behind their subdued leader.

“Well well, it looks like someone should’ve treated their employees better.” she says.

“I will not beg for my life.” replies the leader, ignoring the Tiefling’s sass. “For I would rather die with honor than live as a coward.”

With a few arcane words of healing, Oren and Azad are quickly back on their feet and, along with Finnigan, approach the surrendering enemy.


FIROUZ: Maybe we can take his stuff before we kill him.

FINN: We don’t have to kill him. I’m sure if we give him a second chance-

JADE: Come on, Finn, he killed you.

FINN: Ben said he knocked me out.

JADE: With a sword in your stomach.

DIEGO: My spell won’t last forever, we’re gonna have to decide what to do with him quick.

FIROUZ: Does he have anything of value?

MARKUS: Can we maybe deliver him to the police?

JADE: This is a medieval fantasy setting, honey.

MARKUS: The fantasy police?

FINN: DM, can we convince him to turn his life around?

FIROUZ: That’s dumb. We’re a party of adventurers, not a group of social workers. Does he have any gold?

DIEGO: Guys, I don’t have much time left.

MARKUS: Finn has a point, we’re meant to be the good guys. Maybe we can rehabilitate him.

JADE: Is he hot?

(everyone looks at her quizzically)

JADE: What? Some monsters are hot. Akastos was a monster too, wasn’t he?

BEN: Well… He does have red skin with menacing tribal tattoos both on his body and his face, and he does have sharp pointy teeth and glowing yellow eyes. And… Well… He has a hobgoblin face, I guess. With… Err… long black hair and big muscles.

JADE: Sounds hot to me. Actually, I think I have an exact mental image…

FIROUZ: You’re really saying you’re horny for the hobgoblin?

JADE: You’re saying the gays can be horny for Pyramid Head, but when I am into a homicidal maniac, it’s wrong?

MARKUS: To be fair, I’ve recently been going back to the old “make love, not war” adage. I think you might be onto something, Jade.

JADE: You’re fun, I like you.

FINN: People are usually much nicer with you after they get some dick. At least, in my experience.

DIEGO: Fair enough. DM, I wanna offer the hobgoblin a deal.

BEN: Oh gods…

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Night Haunter

*grabs all the magic cards I can find* HES GOTTA BE THE PERFECT FIT FOR SOME CARD!!

Allan Meyer

Ohhh gods Rule34!Hobgoblin, thanks Jad… …Hekate. Pyramid Head fanart is all too real, sounds like Ollie is drawing from real conversations.


You're doing a really great job. I'm really enjoying the experiment of combining cosplay series and short story, I find it a great way to delve deeper into the characters without interrupting the main story!!!


Hahahaha that conversation at the end should feel familiar to anyone considering it features the greedy player, the pacifist player, and the horny player, all staples of the game.


It's also much faster than writing and making the comic, but at the same time, I have no intention of stopping the comic of course. Thank you for your support, I'm enjoying this project a lot too.


Aaaah! He looks amazing!! Thr story is so fun and clever as always! X


Thank you! I wish I had the time to have someone read it before posting, but I was running behind T_T