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Hi everyone! 

Alright so slight change of plan: the D&D project has gotten a little bigger than I first anticipated so I will be putting the style challenge on pause while we do this one. I am not dropping it, don't worry, I will come back to it once we're done with this project.

The tarot will keep going uninterrupted just as planned though.

Also, like I said in the poll, this project is a little different from what I usually do as it's sort of a mix between two things. It's a little bit like a cosplay series as I'll be posting pin-ups of the characters as their D&D alter ego. But it's also sort of a side story because I'm adding a little narrative element to it. Of course, the pictures will not always be a 100% match with the chapters just so we're clear haha.

The writing is gonna be slightly different too as I've decided to go with a different style from what I usually do. The narration is basically gonna cover what happens in the game and it will sometimes be interrupted by "meta" dialogue as you'll experience in this prologue. 

I hope you enjoy this project as much as I'm enjoying working on it.


Welcome to the realm of Gaerûn…

You are now entering a world of magic and fantasy, a world filled with endless adventure, invaluable treasure, and mortal peril. Will you challenge beasts with brute force? Chastise fiends with magic? Or perhaps your silver tongue will let you charm your way to victory?

Regardless of the quill you’ve chosen, you will all inscribe your names in the pages of destiny and become legends. Unless you fall at the hands of fate and fade into the shadows.


FINN: Pizza’s here!

FIROUZ: Dude, you’re late.

JADE: We were about to start without you.

FINN: I’m sorry, I got out at the wrong station.

DIEGO: You got the food and took the subway? Man, you should’ve texted me, I would’ve picked you up.

BEN: What matters is that the food is here! And also you, Red. Wait… Didn’t you say your boyfriend was gonna come too?

FINN: He said he’s stuck at work and we should start without him. But he promised he’d come.

JADE: Wow! Mr. Too-Cool-For-School is gonna play D&D with us lowly nerds?

BEN: Hey, D&D is for everyone! Speaking of, we have two other first time players at the table today. Welcome to the group, Markus and Finn.

MARKUS: Thanks for having us. I’ll try my best to keep up with everyone.

FINN: Oh no! I forgot to buy dice.

BEN: Sorry, I already lent my extra set to Markus.

MARKUS: We can share if you want.

DIEGO: How sweet!

JADE: I brought extra sets for this exact situation. I must have a sixth sense.

FINN: Aaah, thank you, my love.

BEN: Ahem! So without further ado, let’s begin.


Each of you has their own quest, their own dreams, their own fears, but tonight, your paths will cross and you will share a common journey. Many surprises await so you might want to be cautious on your path to victory, but fortune favors-


FIROUZ: Seriously? Pineapple?

FINN: Only half of it. There’s also a veggie one.

BEN: Guys…

FIROUZ: Oh right… Sorry Benji.


But fortune favors the bold so take a chance…
Roll the dice…
For, tonight, my friends…
Your story begins.

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Throw up some character sheets and we'll guess who's playing as who


Haha I can't do that yet. The character sheets will come with each character portrait 😛


I love that bag of sun chips, that attention to detail is 👌👌. Though I'm a garden salsa kinda guy 😊


Hahaha those were a staple of our D&D group. I had to insert them somehow 😛 and right on! Garden salsa really doesn't get enough respect 😂