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Hi everyone! Here's part 2 of the Daddy Issues story. The story was getting a bit too long to post in one shot so I ended up dividing it in two, saving the spicier side of it for part 3. I would also like to thank Adam and Tom for helping me proofread the text and for giving me very helpful feedback.

Read part 1 (NSFW) 

Daddy Issues - part 2

By Cabaret Bara

Diego was absent-mindedly cleaning his already-clean bar as the blue and pink lights of the club shone in front of him. It had been a long night, not in regards to the middle-of-the-week crowd which had been thinning out in the last few hours of his shift, but because of the anxiety he couldn’t shake off. “It’s only dinner, you got this.” he told himself, echoing the words of his sister.

The text she had sent him the week prior announced that their father was going to be in town and wanted to see them both. He was torn between looking forward to seeing his dad again for the first time in years and fearing the moment when he’d have to confront him. Javier was a stubborn man, but surely, a few years given to digest his son’s coming out would have softened his stance… Right? After he came out, Diego had gone practically no-contact with him as his reaction was so fiery it would have been at home in a telenovela. Among his many criticisms, “It’s your mother’s fault for coddling you so much and enabling your make-believe.” was a particularly hard pill to swallow. Diego could take it on the chin, but seeing hate thrown at his family, be it biological or chosen, was something he couldn’t let fly. So he did what made half the family call him “ingrato” and cut him out of his life.

But what hurt the most was that, despite everything, the man was his father and deep down, he just wanted his dad to love him for who he was.

“Why so blue, baby boy?”

Diego turned his gaze towards the familiar voice. His tone was warm as always, but his lips parted on an even warmer smile. If not by his good looks or his honeyed voice, the man was recognizable by the delicious scent that trailed around him. Nutty notes of cocoa and woods perhaps? Diego was not very well-versed in the art of perfumery, but whatever it was, this inviting fragrance was enough to make him crave chocolate cake. Perhaps that was the point?

“Markus!?” Diego asked. “What are you doing here, I thought you were booked with a guest until close.”

“Oh yeah, I was.” His friendly smile became a knowing smirk. “But he finished early.”

“Oh I see.” Diego chuckled. “The voracious vacuum of Cabaret Bara claimed another victim.”

“I can’t help it!” Markus shrugged. “When they tell me they won’t cum from a blowjob, I just HAVE to prove them wrong.”

It’s true that Markus’s oral skills were legendary. Even among the staff, rumors of it had been circulating and in very little time since joining the team, he had built quite the reputation for himself. Diego was comfortable with his body and didn’t really experience dysphoria from his genitals, but there were occasions on which he wished he could have a big dick like his colleagues, just for a day. Markus’s mouth was such an occasion.

“You need guys with better stamina.” Diego said, pulling himself back into the conversation.

“Maybe…” Markus sighed. “Or maybe I just need a big redhead who can cum again, and again, and again…” He sat on a stool and leaned on the bar.

“Haven’t you hooked up with him yet?” Diego asked. “Everyone fucks everyone here.”

“Not really… I got to half blow him, I guess.”

“What does that even mean?”

“It was just after Firouz and I were hired that he started, right?” He paused. “Well, we gave him a ‘welcome gift’ together so I got a quick taste, but I had to share.”

It took Diego a second to recall, but he had heard of the event. It was definitely Sean’s idea. Their boss always encouraged that kind of “team building” exercises.

“Oh right! I remember. Didn’t he go on a date with Firouz after that?”

“Yes.” Markus’s heart visibly sank. “Now twist the knife counterclockwise please.”

“Aww sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“No, no, you’re right. I probably should’ve asked him out right then and there.”

Although he had plenty of compassion for his friend, Diego didn’t fully understand Markus’s infatuation. Sure, Finn was undeniably handsome and sweet, but the guy was… Well… Thick as a brick. “In more ways than one,” thought the bartender dryly as he poured his friend a shot of rum, grimacing a bit at his own pun. He didn’t think less of Finn for not being the brightest bulb, but when picturing a perfect boyfriend for Markus, he would imagine someone who could at least partially match wits with him. The same was true of Nik who he would’ve never imagined dating someone from work, let alone someone who thinks the Martine books are challenging literature. There had to have been something more to Finn than meets the eye. Those two guys were as different from one another as night and day, but they were both apparently smitten with him. Surely, it took more than a friendly smile and a big dick to achieve that.

“Of course,” thought Diego as he tried not to blush, “if he could use his dick the way his father did, he was certainly a memorable lay at least.” Seamus was a stud and in his experience, he could fuck for hours without tiring out or losing his load. His son’s reputation didn’t exactly suggest the same. His patrons always seemed plenty satisfied though so maybe this avenue was worth investigating.

“Cheers!” exclaimed Markus as he clinked his shot glass against Diego’s.

As he swallowed the alcohol, Diego felt a tinge of guilt. He didn’t know much about Finn’s relationship with his dad, but he knew it was strained. And not only had he been hooking up with Seamus repeatedly in the last week, but he was now even comparing the two. He tried imagining how he’d feel if the roles were reversed but conjuring the image of his big bear of a father being railed by the ginger’s meat rocket only made him wish that his dad wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week. “I’m a damn good friend!” He sarcastically said under his breath.

“You are, man.” Markus’s voice pulled him back to reality once again.

“Oh, sorry, I’ve been… Distracted lately.” Diego replied.

“Yeah, so enough talking about me. Tell me about you, frown-face.” His teasing smirk reappeared. “Is it that double-XL daddy you’ve been banging who’s on your mind?”

“Yeah… About him…”

“Diego, can I get some water?” said a third voice. “Please.”

Finn, covered in sweat and panting, appeared at the bar. He had just finished his performance on stage and although his dancing skills left much to be desired, his graceless gyrating seemed to do the trick for the crowd. The guests had been generous with their applause and - judging by the bills in his tight briefs - their tips. Diego could almost feel the heat radiating from Markus’s face across the bar as he was probably thankful his complexion made his blushing less evident. Even though he didn’t share his friend’s crush, he admitted to himself that the sight of the soaking wet gentle giant in his bulging underwear was quite compelling. He threw Finn a water bottle which the redhead quickly gulped down before letting out a sigh of relief.

“So…” Markus said before clearing his throat and continuing. “About this daddy?”

“Daddy?” Finn said quizzically. “You mean ‘Daddy’ Daddy or like… Your dad?”

“Oh no.” replied Markus. “It’s this older man he’s been seeing-”

“Actually” interrupted Diego, “It’s about my dad.”

This was a bit of a departure from his plan of not thinking about it anymore, but he was eager to change the subject as he didn’t have the heart to lie to Finn’s face. He continued:

“He’s asking for my sister and I to meet him for dinner.”

“And you don’t have a good relationship with him?” asked Finn.

“Well…” began Diego, “It’s more like I don’t have a relationship with him.”

“Yeah…” Finn’s expression changed to one of disgust. “Dads suck.”

“Tell me about it.” Diego attempted a smile before continuing. “He wouldn’t accept that he had a son instead of a daughter… So now he doesn’t have a son either. But you know… He’s still my dad so…” He paused before asking in the most natural tone he could muster: “Anyway, what happened with yours? I heard from Sean that you’re not close either.”

“There isn’t much to say.” Finn started, gesturing in the air as if to dismiss the thought. “He left us when I was like five and moved to Ireland. Never heard of him since and not waiting to hear from him anymore.”

“Oh wow…” Diego hesitated. “Not even a call? Or like a friend request on socials?”

“Nope.” Finn responded, attempting to act more detached than he was. “He didn’t even show up when my mom died.”

“That’s cold,” said Diego, reconsidering his stance on Seamus, “he does sound like a prick.”

“Yeah, and a massive one at that!” concluded Finn.

Diego bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the irony of that wording. But perhaps the laughter he was holding back was one of nervousness as he started feeling more sincere regret for having sex with his colleague’s father, regardless of how good that sex was. He had not seen this side of Finn yet and he felt a sort of raw kinship in their shared daddy issues.

“At least you two know who your fathers are.” said Markus with a vague look of melancholy on his face.

“Oh…” Finn’s eyes softened. “I’m sorry, man, I didn’t know.”

“Oh no, it’s okay.” replied Markus. “I’m all for complaining about bad fathers.” He shrugged. “For all I know, mine abandoned me as a baby and left me to be raised by the system.”

“That’s rough.” commented Diego.

“Listening to your stories, part of me wonders if I’m not better off without.” said Markus, a half smile on his face.

“You know what, guys?” Diego exclaimed as he pulled out a third shot glass. “Fuck dads! Who needs them when we have daddies?”

He filled the three glasses with rum before raising his at his friends.

“And dammit, we’re strong independent gay men! We can be our own daddies… Or better yet, we can be each other’s daddies!”

“Oooh! I like that.” commented Markus. “We could basically be the Brotherhood of the Traveling Daddy. We each take turns filling fatherly duties for each other.”

“Exactly!” said Diego. “You can call me if you need help building Yikea furniture.”

“And I can help you guys file your taxes or something.” said Markus

“And I can… Huh…” said Finn, hesitantly. “I… Give good hugs?”

“To daddies!” cheered Diego

“To daddies!” replied Markus and Finn in unison before joining Diego in drinking the shots.

“By the way…” Finn said with the timid look of someone who has a favor to ask. “Do you think you could give me a lift home after closing?”

“You still haven’t bought a new car?” Diego pointed to the dollar bills sticking out of Finn’s underwear. “What do you do with all the cash you make here?”

“I mean, stuff…” answered the redhead before being interrupted by Markus.

“Hey it’s not like carpooling is a bad thing, right? It’s good for the environment and it’s a good way to spend time with your buddies outside of work. When you think about it, Finn’s being eco-responsible and contributing to better relationships in the workplace.”

“Yeah, that.” replied Finn with a proud smile.

Diego let out a hearty chuckle at the ridiculous defense before saying: “Fine, I’m already dropping Markus off, I might as well take you too.” Then, with a playful smile, he winked at his new brothers and added: “Guess I’m the chauffeur daddy now.”

Read part 3 (NSFW) 

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Griffin Barrows

Markus the slobbery gushy handsome load slurper of CB 👅

christian valdez

The daddy trio I’m obsessed. And suck a cute and beautiful story line I honestly hope the story continues or other characters have their own written stories. You have a gift and talent.


Thank you so much! I definitely intend to do more written side stories in the future as it allows me to develop the side characters and secondary protagonists much faster than doing it only via comics.