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Hi everyone! I hope y'all managed to keep up with your new year resolutions 😉

💌 VIP rewards are out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the December VIP rewards have shipped out this morning.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays. 

In case you haven't seen it in the VIP chat, please note that due to a shortage from my usual supplier, I had to use a different type of paper for this last batch of prints. The difference in finish is not massive, but I still wanted you to know. Also due to a shortage from another supplier (yep, I'm that unlucky) I had to get creative in packaging some of the orders. Please rest assured that the packaging will be back to normal for the January rewards.

Thank you so much for your patience with all the delays. The holiday stuff and the house stuff slowed me down a bit, but now the machine's back on.

💛 Heart of Gold is done 💛

After many many hours of work put into this episode, Heart of Gold is finally complete! The bonus page 23 just went up this morning and I'm very happy with it, I hope those of you who have access enjoyed it too. 

Thank you so much for all the support on this episode. It is one of my favorites so far and it means a lot to me that I could share this story with you.

FanService Poll results

The last FanService poll just ended and the winner is... *drumrolls* Firouz!
A bit of a surprise, I'll admit, but not a bad one! I'll be working hard on a Firouz post for you today. Hopefully, it'll be ready by tomorrow so you can have your favorite gaymer to play with your joysticks together. 😉

The Tarot Project 🔮

As you've seen, the tarot project has finally been revealed and I'm so happy to be working on this alongside my friend Mattantra. A new card will be posted every Friday and I will soon create a collection for all the tarot cards so please stay tuned.

We are hoping to release a physical version of it when it's done, but this is definitely something to worry about later down the line. Right now, we are very grateful for your support as we progress through the deck. Next up is the Ace of Swords! Can you guess who it's gonna be?

👀 What's next? 👀

2024 is full of possibilities, but in the immediate future, I would like to finish my bara style challenge so it's back in business and a new one should come out every Monday. I also have a few unfinished side stories still on the stove right now and I think it's time to start serving them.

But I will soon post a poll for you to decide what our next project will be! A new cosplay series? A new side story? The next episode? Another type of project entirely? Please do share your requests in the comments! Who knows? Maybe I'll add 'em to the poll.

I wanna thank you again for your support. It means the world to me and I hope to make it worth your while this year! ❤

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I'm honestly too invested now to ask for anything but new episodes or maybe side stories

christian valdez

Thank you so much. I started following you because of the heart of gold teasers. But now that it’s finished I cannot wait to jump into this next adventure with you and see what else you have in store. You art work is brilliant and I’m serious about those tarot cards I cannot wait to see them completed and a nsfw would be amazing 🥰. Thank you for all your hard work. And I’ll be here to support you for now and until forever


Thank you! That really means a lot ❤ I'll do my best to be worthy of this support!