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2023 brought us nice things, but I think that 2024 will bring us great things! I'm excited for what's to come. 

I've never done the Art Summary thing before, but is it normal that it was so hard to choose what to put for each month?

What was your favorite Cabaret Bara moment this year?

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- Diego and Seamus 🔥 - the Pride Project 😍 - Markus being proactive 👍🏿 - Sean's Fanservice entry 😳 - Purikyua: Triple Boner Ascent, Kira-Kira Emulsion !!! 💛💜🩷


Also, thank you for this whole year of cracking queer content. I've upgraded to a higher tier this morning, and I'm thrilled to see what wonders you'll concoct for your adoring fans in 2024. I admire your professionalism, your sense of inclusivity, your creativity, and all the qualities which have made Cabaret Bara into much more than porn.


For me personally - single moment would have to be the Liam Secret Admirer Selfie you created for me! (As you may of recently been reminded of, I'm a fan of Liam lol). It's soooo good!!!! But other favorites include The Daddy Issues side story, you're such an incredibly talented writer (hope for Part 2 one day!!!), Pokémon - Eeveelutions Cosplays, The Fanservice posts have been fun, Hot Cocoa Finn, Christmas Magic, Dango...clearly by the not so short list, I'm a fan of your work lol


Hahahaha thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed so much of my work last year. Hopefully, I can top all that this year 😤 I'm feeling motivated now!