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Hey guys!

I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays.

I also wanna take this opportunity to thank you all for the support you've shown Cabaret Bara throughout 2023. I've been facing a lot of challenges this year (including the recent house problems that have been keeping me away from work) and I don't think I could've kept going were it not for the encouragement I've received from this community. So sincerely, thank you.

Can you identify all of Santa's reindeer?

PS: the FanService post (featuring Cullen) is still coming, but I need a day or two off to focus on fixing home stuff. Thank you for your understanding.

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lol Nik is having a crisis. Also, looks like we’re about to lose an elf or two in the back!


The elves should probably hold on tighter, we have a bunch of overeager reindeer pulling the sleigh.


So cute, I love this!