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Hi everyone! We're closing in on the end of the year so it's time to celebrate and finally get some rest.

💌 VIP rewards are out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the November VIP rewards are shipping out today.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays. Thanks again for your support, guys.

😱 End of the year RUSH! 🚚

As you likely already know, I will be moving at the end of the week. I am taking steps to ensure that it doesn't slow down my work too much, but please, bear with me if I end up being a little late with some stuff.

The last episode of the year, Heart of Gold, is almost over. a whole 22 (23 if you count the bonus) pages later. That's 69 strips! (Yep, I see it too) I will try to finish it (at least up to the bonus page) by the end of the year. 

But I do want to take some time to draw a little bit of holiday-themed art too. So please don't be alarmed if we do carve into early January a little bit.

Similarly, I meant to finish the Pinky is the Brain series before the end of the year, but I'm seeing now that it might've been too ambitious a deadline. I will get back to it ASAP.

🎄 Holiday Breaks 🎄

I wanna start by saying that I am NOT taking an extended break for the holidays this year. I will take one day off here and there for parties and whatnot (I'm not quite a hermit yet) but I'll keep working between Christmas and new year.

Part of the mission of Cabaret Bara is to ensure that people don't feel lonely and I think that's also very important during this time of the year.

With that being said, some projects will go on break.

The Style Challenge is gonna be on break until January.
I'm not giving up on it at all, but if I wanna be able to get the remaining comic pages out in time, I need to free my weekends to work on it and with the move, I'm already losing a whole weekend for it.

FanService is gonna be on break until January.
Since I wanna do some holiday-themed art, I can't manage FS posts at the same time, but the polls and posts will come back.

The comic is gonna be on break for a month after Heart of Gold is finished.
Partly because I need a break from it and also because we're overdue for a new cosplay series or a new art series. Keep a lookout for a poll about that after the episode ends.

The Cabaret Bara store is gonna have a holiday schedule.
As you know, despite the fact that the processing time for orders is shown as 2 weeks, I do ship out orders every Friday. However, this week, Wednesday (the 13th) will be my shipping day and I will not be able to ship anything else after until the 22nd. The 13th is already cutting it short for Christmas orders so I can't guarantee anything, but anything ordered after that will 100% not arrive in time for the 25th.

Even with these breaks, I still have a lot on my plate so I wanna thank you again for your unyielding support. It means SO MUCH to me! ❤

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Dan Chapman-Harris

And thank you sir for keeping us so informed!!

christian valdez

Absolutely. The fact that you are even working this holiday is just amazing. We will take anything you are able to give us but please take your time. I am just honored to be able to support you and your art. Since I’ve decided to have a patreon I’ve been so grateful too you and the artist I follow. Your work is amazing and I can tell all the hard work you put in. Thank you for everything you do. I will Always be hear to support love and grow with you. Happy holidays and thank you for being here with me through some of these lonely nights 🍆🥵🤤🥰💋🎁🍆🍆👑🫶🏽


Thank you for your kind words, that really lifted my spirits ❤️ I'll keep doing my best!