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Soooo, I gotta come clean, despite having seen the art absolutely EVERYWHERE online, I've never actually tried the game. I know, I know, shame on me. But Robin Morningwood is (from what I gather) a dating sim RPG hybrid series created by Grizzly Gamer Studio. I'm attracted to this idea mostly because at first, I intended for Cabaret Bara to be a dating sim or graphic novel series. And now that the Ero Angels saga has taken center stage, I could see myself turning it into a RPG... If I had any free time lol.

So although it's one of the simplest styles on the list, I think it's probably one of the most interesting and recognizable of the bunch and I really wanted to get it right. Like for the other styles, I wasn't able to find a character with freckles as a reference for my boy, but I improvised because with this style it just felt right to draw them simplified like this. It's also my first try at a "simplified" version of Finn's hairstyle which is... Challenging. I sometimes forget how much I overdo details when it comes to hair, but I love drawing it, I can't help it. On the bright side, the super synthetized body hair of this style gave my wrist a rest and I am so grateful for that! Robin Morningwood, my hero ❤

Would you romance this Finn in the games? I wonder what his job would be...

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Hayden Hayes

Oh my god Robin Morningwood Finn is so freaking cute!!


So good and very excited for the rest!