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Hi guys!

While I finish the next comic pages, I wanna ask for your preference for this year's Halloween season. I just wanna make sure that I'm prioritizing the right projects for you guys. 

Please choose your favorite scenario.

Side note: I think my life is finally starting to settle back down to normal and page 7 should come out tomorrow (yay 🎊)


Adam Lunter

I want you to do what makes you happy too, but I’m really invested in this story. Very psyched to see what happens.


Honestly, all options make me happy and insight into my community's preferences is always invaluable.

Nashoba Lusa

Do whatever option makes you happiest cause I’ve seen your reply to Adam that all options make you happy so pick the one you like most


I think you would kill a cosplay of the guys as sexy horror movie villains. 🤤👀 but maybe it’s something to keep in your back pocket 😁


I do think the cosplay ones only would be cool. I don't mind waiting for the story


I'm a huge fan of your cosplays! But whatever wins is fine. =) I do like that the balanced approached seems to be a success!


From what I'm seeing, it doesn't look like we'll be going with a cosplay this time, but it is very likely that I'll do another cosplay once the episode is over.


Yeah, so far it does look like that. If that's what ends up winning in the end, I will likely make a new cosplay series after Episode 7 is finished.