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Hi everyone!
The new episode - Heart of Gold - has officially started. This one skews a bit heavier in some points so I will try to keep posting more FanService posts throughout to keep things balanced and lighthearted. I hope y'all enjoy it though. Pages 5-6-7-8 seem to have taken the VIPs by surprise so I can't wait to see what everyone thinks.

💌 VIP rewards are out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the August VIP rewards have been shipped out last Friday.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays. Thanks again for your support, guys.

🛒 Store update 🛒

Here's what's new at the Cabaret Bara store:

Cabaret Bara Cosplays Bonus Eeveelutions prints set
Title Cards Collection Pack 5 (Episodes 8 & 9)
FanService Update Vol.1 (Alek & Finn) 

If you're a patron in the Private Booth tier or above, don't forget to add your discount code before checkout!

🎁 Discord giveaway update 🎁

I have not yet made a post to officially announce it on our Discord server but yesterday, I was a little bit drunk at my friend's bachelor party and may have leaked some info "accidentally" 😅 so I figured I might as well make an official announcement.

As you all know, I have not been taking commissions for the last year because the comic has been taking all my time, but for our next community raffle which will be held in November, I will be giving out free commissions.

If you're interested in participating, there is still time. All you need to do is visit the server and enter our challenges to earn extra participation tickets.

Everyone is welcome to participate, but VIPs can claim an extra bonus ticket for more chances to win.

🎃 Upcoming Vacation 🎃

Okay so full disclosure: the last few weeks have been quite the roller-coaster on my end. I will spare you the details of my personal life, but suffice to say that we've been dealing with death and illness a lot, we've got a lot of big events to attend, and we have big changes coming to our lives too. 

So my husband convinced me to take a break in October to kinda press the "reset" button and come back to work in a better mental state. I'll admit I wanted to protest, but he already booked the vacation and I can't really hold it against him, he really needs it too.

All this to say that I will be gone from October 21st to October 29th. I still have a bunch of content planned for the rest of the month and will do my best to finish as much work as I can before leaving.

Thank you all for your support as always.
I'll keep working as hard as I can for y'all!

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Glad to hear the hubby is safe guarding your stress levels! ❤️ his efforts and yours are appreciated!

Adam Lunter

Ollie, you’re one of the most inclusive, fan-dedicated, communicative artists out there and your unflagging dedication never ceases to inspire and amaze me. But even so, I’m glad to hear about said vacation too! Thank you Joe… love you too!!! Looking forward to what you produce between then and now (and as a VIP, I must say that everyone is in for a treat with the upcoming pages!!!), and also excited about the forthcoming rewards!


Thank you! That really means a lot. It's hard for me to take actual breaks so having supportive people here makes a difference in me being less angry at myself for going away.


So excited to hear you'll be taking an actual vacation! I hope you both have an amazing time! It's important to make time for yourself too! =)


Thank you! You're sweet. I'm low-key being forced into it, but I guess it's for my own good.