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In the original rainbow flag design from 1978, the sixth stripe was turquoise and it was meant to represent magic and art.

As the model for turquoise, Finn stands for allowing yourself to see beauty in what others dismiss as queer, choosing to embrace the new and the unknown, and holding a firm belief that the world can be a colorful and joyful place if you're willing to add your own creativity to it. For him, Pride is about assembling as a community because there is so much more strength in our hopes and dreams put together than there is in hate. After all, the rainbow usually appears after the storm, doesn't it?

So turquoise stands for magic, yes, but more importantly, it stands for believing in magic, for allowing yourself to keep wishing for a better tomorrow. And when you're surrounded by despair, this hope that we have is what keeps us fighting against the odds. Remember that we have never truly lost until we've given up.

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Awwwww I’m in love with this one!!! 😍😍😍 This is my favorite one from the set!!! Orange and turquoise go well together!!

Deme celaya

Oh love Finn’s pose… very reminiscent of the birth of Venus


Thank you! And I do think you're right, Nik and Finn would look great next to each other like this! <3


Thank you! I was thinking he looked sorta like a Greek or Roman statue and you hit the nail right on the head!

Adam Lunter

For all his adorkable cluelessness and leaky plumbing, Finn is truly the representative of what each one of us wants to believe… that there is hope, wonder, and reasons for optimism all around us. Gawd, I just wanna give him noogies and kiss him on the top of his head.

Tom W

I am so in love with this! I think this one is my favourite one so far! That pose is amazing with Finn looking off and his hand on his heart!


💜💜💜💜💜 It's so fitting and the body paint came out amazing😍😍

Allan Meyer



Aaah I love it. The pose and the colours and Ben there with the brush! Amazing


As others have said Ollie, this is absolutely incredible!!! The handprints, the color, Finn looking off in the distance with those beautiful, blue piercing eyes! I'm just in awe of it!!! Ben (you) should be incredibly proud!!!!


Thank you so much! It was quite the struggle to get this one to look the way I wanted, but in the end, I'm glad it turned out like this.


Far as I can tell there is no such thing as a community when it comes to LGBT people. Also there is only a rainbow after the storm if you're around to see it.


I'm sorry this is how you feel. It's okay to be hurting, life can be hard sometimes. If you feel like you might not want to be around after the storm, I recommend reaching out to the Trevor Project lifeline: 1–866–488–7386 It's a toll-free 24-hour service. If you're uncomfortable talking over the phone, they also offer a 24-hour live chat support: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help-now/ Hopefully you can receive the help you need. 💙