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In the original rainbow flag design from 1978, the fifth stripe was green and it was meant to represent nature.

As the model for green, Henry stands for cultivating a healthy environment that promotes growth, surrounding yourself with a chosen family who is nurturing for you, and showing yourself to the outside world without fear of judgement. For him, Pride is about thanking those around you who help you grow into your true self by paying it forward to those who need it. It's showing love, support, and kindness to people who were too often left behind to help them blossom and thrive.

So green stands for nature, yes, but more importantly, it stands for offering a nurturing environment, a loving home, and open arms to those who need it. Because a seed can never bear fruits if you don't water it.

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Adam Lunter

Lookit Henry! That lovable bear diggin’ around in his garden and celebrating the bounty of the Earth… he reminds me a lot of Mike in that way.


Wooof 😍


Wooooofffff 🥵🥵🥵🥵 Henry is so damn gorgeous!!!! 🥵💚💚💚


Thank you! ❤ I wanted to give more bear rep this time around cause it's rare that we see both Henry and Sean in the same art series.