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And this is where we'll take our break for the Pride Project. We're officially over halfway through this episode now and shit is about to go down hehe.

Those of you who have seen the preview for pages 12 and 13 know what to look forward to 😏

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Darryl better watch himself he almost got bit in two!

Allan Meyer

Pffft haha, that Scorpio stare-down, Darryl was right to break it up. Love every bit of this.


Noooo Jade's date ! I hope she rakes them all over the coal for this !


Ah, the normal trope of everyone getting everything wrong at the same time. A well used classic


I am obsessed with Jade's cutting words. And with Darryl's cute lil bum

Adam Lunter

Of course when they both turned on Darryl I ***REALLY*** felt the heat come off the page! 🔥

Adam Lunter

The gays do love her indeed… why? Because she is… THE SEX GODDESS OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE!!!! (and Nik’s not!)


Why do I have the feeling there’s going to be more than one way to describe a clusterfuck?


Nik's behavior reminds me of my father's after my parents' divorce, my siblings and I couldn't even say the word "mom" without him reacting like it was a conspiracy against him

Griffin Barrows

Jade has a moogle backpack!! 🤩

Tom W

The urge to have Jade step on me in growing stronger by the day!