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Wow... After pages 2 and 3, going back to simpler pages, it feels SO MUCH faster.

And everyone, say welcome to Sam 2.0!
Now no one should confuse him with Nik anymore.

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Danganronpa earrings and the Moogle backpack from Final Fantasy are a great touch, but I can't figure out where the shirt is from?

Tom W

Love Sam's new look!!! His eyes are so gorgeous! As are Jade's! I love the makeup shading you did in the pic with her eyes closed!!!


They both look stunning. I want that Jester shirt and the backpack...am I falling in love with Jade?


Great words of wisdom by Jade and a hottie throwback ? A great episode ! Also, I think I speak for everybody here when I say that you shouldn't feel bad for taking more time to work on the comic (especially given that the last 3 pages were a con with a lot of peuple to draw), no overworking !

Adam Lunter

Sam looks great! I definitely see him and Jade as siblings now… and for some reason I also don’t see him as the smarmy, ‘you can’t live without me, Finn’ kind of asshat I imagined him to be back when I first wrote E2. That’s not to say it’s not going to be a messy reunion with Finn… there’s going to be some drama for sure. But I’m excited to see what happens. 🍿


I love sams redesign! And I love jade so much!!!


I have no clue how to do makeup, but I gotta at least try and keep up the illusion that she does.


I think I'll be able to got back to my usual pace now that most of the cameos are out of the way. But thanks, I appreciate everyone who's been so patient with me. ♥


I mean, it's Cabaret Bara we're talking about. Drama is inevitable. But yeah, I kept saying Sam wasn't as bad as he seemed (although he still has his assholes moments) and I'm glad I finally get to put my money where my mouth is.


Thank you! They're certainly a cool set of siblings 👀 but I wonder how Finn will react...?


And now the ex enters the picture. Finn is going to explode. Cheri? Get your mop ready. I do love going back and redesigning OCs when it calls for it. Did that earlier this year myself. :3


a guy named "Sam" missing his irish ex, wanting to talk to him again and becomes friends, it sounds familiar 🤔. oh yeah right, that's how I got back with my ex 😂


Love me some chaotic Jade!


JADE'S MOOGLE BACKPACK! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3