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Hi guys!

First of, I'd like to apologize for falling behind. I was fully intending to get this artwork done during the weekend, but I didn't manage to have enough privacy to do it while on my trip and a bunch of stuff came up. Anyway, I'll spare you the details, but I've decided to write a short story to go along with the art. It's my first time writing one of those, but seeing some of my friends write such good ones, I was inspired to follow in their footsteps.

It's not a format I intend to use regularly as I wanna focus on the comics, but still, let me know if you enjoy it.

Daddy Issues - part 1

By Cabaret Bara

Diego stood nervously in front of the mirror, his hands shaking as he tried to make sense of his unruly mane. His hair was always perfect, except when he had a date of course. "Ba-du-lun!" The familiar jingle of the Bonk'r app almost made him jump. He tapped the notification at record speed, unsure if he was doing so with anxiety or anticipation. The message read: "Almost there, 5 minutes max."
Diego usually didn't reply to faceless profiles, especially not the ones with cringey screen names like LuckyXXL, but this one had very convincing arguments. 10 inches of thick, convincing arguments to be exact. And of course he had the godly body to match, with a healthy covering of ginger fur to top it off. The guy reminded him of Finn actually - an older, beefier, hotter, "daddier" Finn that is. But perhaps he thought so only because his date was a redhead too. Anyway, since he hadn't seen his face yet, it was hard to tell exactly what the stranger would look like.
Although he did enjoy the "hosting" part of his job, Diego wasn't exactly sexually fulfilled by just spending time with clients. More often than not, he'd come back to his apartment craving some proper cuddling from an older man with tree trunks for arms. And lately the Bonk'r lottery hadn't been in his favor. Maybe that's what really pushed him to waive his usual "no face, no date" policy. Loneliness will do this to a man…
As he poured himself a glass of liquid courage to calm his nerves, Diego contemplated calling the whole thing off. "That would be an asshole thing to do now that he's almost here, wouldn't it?" he thought to himself. As he was sipping on the sweet liquor, his mind wandered to the text he received from his sister earlier that day. Learning that his father was coming to Montréal for a visit shocked him for certain, but it was the lingering worry that was truly unbearable. The fact that he was so anxious at the idea of seeing his father for the first time in years while waiting for a hookup who was about the same age as him carried a weight of irony that wasn't lost on the young man.
"Riiing!" The sound of the doorbell was all it took to shake Diego out of his reverie. With the determination that only hot daddy meat can conjure, he gulped down the remainder of his beverage and made his way to the door. Pressing the button to the intercom, he attempted to conceal his earlier doubts by speaking a "Yes?" that came out less like the cool persona he was going for and more like a teenager trying to imitate Batman.
LuckyXXL's voice came out from the small speaker: "ArdillaAmigo? Can you buzz me in?" Hearing his own screen name out loud would have normally been embarrassing, but this man's voice was simply too enticing to care. His deep tone was enough to make him wet on its own, but that accent? Was it an Irish accent? Whatever it was, it was incredibly sexy and Diego was now praising himself for his choice in men.
After buzzing him in, he didn't have long to wait before the man was standing in his door frame, towering over him. With just one glance at him, Diego was reassured: not only did the ginger stranger actually look like his pictures, but with his face now revealed, he was almost frustratingly handsome. His greying beard and laugh lines betrayed his age, but the mischievous glimmer in his grey eyes was that of a man in his twenties. The combo was hard to resist, but Diego did what he could to be a good host and invited his guest in to stop himself from jumping on him right then and there.
The large man entered the dimly lit apartment with a smile that suggested he was also relieved that his date didn't turn out to be a catfish. They had agreed to a casual meet-up so it was no surprise that he came dressed simply, but the way his short-sleeved shirt could barely contain his bulging biceps and his ample chest gave him enough style as it was. Following his host's invitation, he sat at the kitchen table and agreed to his offer of a drink. If one had eyes under the table, they could easily ogle the generous bulge packed tightly inside his blue jeans.
"Whiskey sounds good?" Asked Diego.
"Ha, the accent sold me out, didn't it?" said the stranger with a hearty chuckle. "If you have a good one, that would be lovely."
"I wouldn't serve anything I don't stand by."
"Good to know I'm in good hands."
"I see you're as charming in person as you are in DMs, mister… "
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Diego."
Diego made his way back to the table with two glasses of golden amber liquid and a smug grin. He knew he was going to score some points with his choice of spirit, and his nervousness was finally dissipating. As Seamus brought the glass to his lips, the crisp note of apple he smelled was unmistakable. He took a sip followed by a smile before praising his host:
"Irish, eh? I see you know your stuff."
"I take my job seriously." said the mixologist proudly.
"Right. You do look familiar. What bar did you say you work at?"
"Haha, I didn't." he took a sip of his drink. "I'm sure if we had met, I would remember it."
"You flatter me."
"Is it working?"
"Oh I think it is." he smirked.
And with that, the Irishman confirmed what he was there for as he pushed himself back into his chair, getting a bit closer to Diego, and temptingly emphasizing the growing bulge in his pants. It was at this moment that the host's last defenses began to crumble. "To hell with pretences!" he thought as he started inching closer to his guest. After all, they both knew why he was there and Diego's attempts at convincing himself that he was in control were futile when faced with the mountain of pure daddy in his apartment. It was his table, his chair, his apartment, but he himself was nothing more than putty in his guest's hands from the moment he saw him. He wanted him and if the feeling was mutual, why resist it? So he went for it and tentatively approached Seamus's face, getting a whiff of his cologne as he got closer. It was a clean yet masculine scent with what seemed like a hint of his natural musk, a fragrance cocktail that would start his engines if they weren’t already going at a hundred.
Then suddenly, the redhead pulled his host closer to him, quickly bridging the distance between them and planting a kiss on his lips. He was at first forceful and passionate before mellowing into Diego's tender and sensual lead, their tongues intertwined as their fingers took care of exploring each other's body. The young man almost let out a moan when his partner's large hands reached under the light fabric of his t-shirt to caress the soft skin of his waist. In the meantime, he focused his comparatively small hands on the arduous task of unbuttoning the gentle giant's shirt as it threatened to be ripped apart by the sheer size of his body. In doing so, he revealed his sculpted body in all its hairy glory. He could not keep himself from running his hands all over the thick auburn fur in front of him.
"I had to taste those lips." Seamus said, catching his breath.
"You can taste everything you want." replied Diego as he straddled him on the chair before adding a tentative: "Daddy."
It was like hearing that word come out of the young man's plump lips flipped a switch in Seamus as he gripped his thighs and started grinding his hardening bulge against him. His kisses became even more passionate, almost desperate, as if he was trying to hold on to life and the young latino was his only source of oxygen. And Diego met each of his kisses and caresses with the same passion, with the same intensity, as if they had the chemistry of lovers who can read each other's mind.
Diego could feel himself getting wetter with each touch, each rubbing of the man's tremendous bulge against his shorts. He was reaching a point where everything was just a blur and all he could feel was his partner's hands on his skin, his scruffy beard rubbing against his face, his kisses on his neck, and that throbbing mass against his groin. The feelings were almost too much to bear when, as if he manifested his thoughts into reality, Seamus lifted him from his thighs and propped him on the table before practically tearing his shorts and briefs away in one swift movement. His open shirt revealed his large meaty chest expanding and relaxing with his heavy breathing. He was clearly out of patience and his humongous cock, begging for release, was more than enough proof of that. His gaze, a rare mix of tenderness and ravenous appetite, was so intense the host could feel it on his skin, caressing his plump pecs and fondling his nipples, gently grazing over his faded scars and all the way down his defined abs to his hairy crotch and his inviting pussy that had now almost soaked his inner thighs entirely in his horniness.
To the young man's surprise, his "daddy" dove between his legs without hesitation and started exploring him with his mouth and tongue, teasing his clit with long hungry licks. Not only was it uncommon that a guy from the app would give him head so enthusiastically, but rarely if ever was it so good. This Irish daddy clearly knew what he was doing, he evidently had danced that dance before. Each flick of his tongue sent an electric current up Diego's spine that would give him goosebumps. Every time he would suck on his engorged clit, he could feel a wave of warmth fill him more and more. It was as if his partner knew exactly what he liked, or perhaps it was because he was so attentive to each of his moans, each of his gasps, his legs shaking… And each time he would let out a whimper, he would double down on his moves, gently nudging him closer towards ecstasy each time. The young man then opened his eyes, trying to warn him of his impending orgasm. But all he could muster was a primal moan as he saw this fifty-something mountain of a man still passionately going down on him, his muscular arms pulling his thighs tightly against him as if to keep him from ever leaving his expert mouth. It was too much to bear and as he was shaken by a wave of pure euphoria, he couldn't help but give up control of his body and squirt over his date, covering his beard and chest in his juices.
Visibly proud of his accomplishment, Seamus rose up with a cocky smirk and bent down towards the young latino’s face, giving him a wet kiss. Diego could still taste his orgasm on his guest’s tongue, adding to his excitement, but something else caught his attention. He felt something impossibly warm and hard rubbing against his clit. When he gave into his curiosity and broke the kiss, his suspicion was confirmed. He could see that man’s large member throbbing against him and leaking an obscene amount of precum. It seemed like the beast had been freed while he was looking away and there was no way to put it back into its cage. His cock was almost comically large and he had not often seen ones with so much heft to them, even within his profession. As it was frotting against him, it kept leaking generous amounts of its natural lube all over his own swollen T-penis and relaxed labia. He could feel the large vein that circled his member rub against him in a most pleasurable way. At that moment, Diego knew he was already familiar with this dick, he had seen it before or more accurately, he had seen its twin. But as the questions bubbled up in his mind, the head slowly made its way inside him.
“Oh fuuuck, daddy… It’s so… So big.” Diego said, trying to gather his thoughts in vain.
“Don’t worry, lad.” replied Seamus. “I know what I’m doing.”
And he certainly did not lie. While the host knew how to take a big dick like a pro, it was always a bit of a struggle at first because of his small stature. But despite its ridiculous size, the man’s cock was making good progress without much discomfort if any. The tremendous foreplay, the abundant precum along with Diego’s own wetness, and the shape of it, all lent themselves to a fantastic feeling. Quite literally, it was all the best aspects of the giant cock, without much of the downsides.
Diego had never been penetrated by such a member before, but he knew he had heard of an experience exactly like it. His mind again went to his friend, Finn, and a bolt of guilt stung his heart. He didn’t really need confirmation to figure out who this man was, but was still hoping that he was overthinking their similarities. Sure this man reminded him of the O’Connor brothers, but surely it would be a simple coincidence. As would be their almost identical dicks? And their Irish origins? Or their- “Aaaaah fuck!” he interrupted his own train of thoughts with an uncontrollable moan. Seamus was now starting to penetrate him more freely and the sensation was too intense to line up a clear thought. The backs and forths were coming in a delightful rhythm and never before had he felt open so wide from a single cock. He felt so full and all the walls of his hole were somehow being stimulated at once while that thick vein kept rubbing against his G-spot. With each thrust and grunt of the muscular top, he could feel another orgasm coming, rising inside of him before exploding like fireworks and turning him into a shaking mess. Then, without skipping a beat or even giving him a chance to recover from the bliss of this second climax, he lifted him in the air, his thick cock still snug inside of him, and pinned him against the kitchen’s wall. With the enthusiasm of a holy man who just broke his vow of celibacy, he pounded him again, at a faster pace this time. In this new position, Diego could feel delightful vibrations in his love button with every single jolt of his energetic partner. Once again, the sensations were overwhelming and sent him into another toe-curling, eye-rolling orgasm, one that felt like it wouldn’t end. He could almost feel his soul leave his body from the intensity of the experience only to be brought back to Earth by his daddy passionately kissing his neck between grunts.
Reading his partner’s exhaustion, Seamus slowed down his cadence and slowly took his tumescent tool out of his dripping hole. Helping him down to his still wobbly feet, he kept his hands around his waist and asked:
“Do you need a break, lad?”
“That was… Intense.” Diego replied
“Haha! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, you’re a cute little thing, you know.”
“Are you kidding? It’s amazing.” he said while stroking the still rock hard schlong. “But I need to ride it, daddy.”
And with that, he pushed his guest towards the nearby sofa, prying his bulging arms out of the tight sleeves, effectively removing the last piece of clothing he was wearing, before taking off his own t-shirt all the way off his shoulders. He then pushed him down, the gentle giant letting himself fall on the grey sofa with only his leaking member still standing upwards. Gathering his courage, the young man took a bit of the precum that was coating the humongous rocket-shaped dick and brought it to his lips, tasting its enticing sweet and salty flavour before mixing it with his saliva and coating his asshole with it. Understanding what was about to happen, the older man’s cock twitched with enthusiasm before the brave bottom gripped it as he straddled him and began sitting on it slowly. Although this other hole was still quite tight, it quickly started to relax as Diego progressively slid down his length, gradually increasing his movements as his ring allowed more of it to fit. He was thankful for the monster’s shape allowing for his anus to stretch gradually.
When he finally got back into his comfort zone, he started riding it with more eagerness while the beefy man let him dictate the beat. His eyes were focused, almost hypnotized by the gorgeous latin hunk who was now bouncing in his lap. His gaze was only ever broken by his eyes shutting in a grimace of pleasure when his host would go down to the hilt of his cock, taking its fullness inside of him. And while Diego was enjoying fucking himself on the man’s pole, he was even more turned on by seeing how much pleasure he was providing him. He was, after all, a pleaser, and each grunt, each throb, each time he could feel him pop through his second hole, was a sign that he was doing a good job. He kept accelerating the rhythm, almost ramming himself against his partner’s thighs and he could feel another orgasm building up, but this time, it was different. This time, he could also feel Seamus’s hairy balls tightening, his thick shaft throbbing more violently, his large hands grip his buttocks tighter. In this moment, they were both almost in perfect unison, feeling each other’s pleasure building past the point of no-return, each bolstering their own. Diego tightened his sphincter, quite literally trying to milk his top’s load out of him, but also heightening his own sensitivity and spreading this familiar fire inside his body. “Daddy, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” he practically yelled, blinded by euphoria. And almost instantly, as if reacting to a trigger word, Seamus’s cock shot several spurts of hot thick spunk inside of his boy’s ass, throbbing wildly with each rope, and sending spasms throughout his body not unlike the recoil one would expect from a massive cannon. And like clockwork, as he felt the warm gooey semen fill his insides, Diego also climaxed, squirting again all over his “daddy’s” hairy chest, and covering him in his own musky juices.
The two of them were a sweaty mess of heavily breathing naked bodies and they spent a few minutes in silence, winding down from the incredible high they rode together. Feeling his partner’s cock deflating slightly, Diego got up as well as he could on his shaky legs. He could feel the cum start to leak out of him and offered his shower to his guest who promptly agreed. The two of them took time washing each other’s body and marveling at the chemistry they had. Seamus’s monster even started to swell again, ready for another round, but Diego politely implied that he was a bit too tired to keep going. It wasn’t untrue, both his holes were wrecked, but it wasn’t his only reason for turning him down. Post-nut clarity was starting to hit the young man and although their connection was undeniable, he wasn’t as comfortable with the idea of potentially having screwed his friend’s estranged father anymore, regardless of how amazing the sex was. In an attempt at finding solace, he tried to convince himself that he might still be someone else entirely, just a stranger from Bonk’r.
“I hope you don’t mind if I keep your number.” said the muscle-bound man as he was drying off. “I will be in Montréal for a while, and-”
“Oh? Are you visiting family?” Diego bit his tongue, he let the words out before he could think.
“I am here for work actually…”
“Oh I see.” A wave of relief washed over him as he dried off his hair.
“But it’s funny you should mention that. I do have two sons in the city and I was hoping to reconnect with them.”
In this moment, Diego mentally kicked himself for letting his big mouth pull him out from the comfort of ignorance.
“Are you okay, lad?” The large man inquired. “You look a bit pale all of a sudden.”
“I-I’m okay.”
“You sure don’t look okay. I reckon you shouldn’t stay alone like this. Want me to stay with you for the night?”
He looked visibly concerned and protective, everything a father should be for his son. The image he was getting from him was so far from the heartless man Finn had described before and even further from the image Diego had of his own father. In this moment, he needed the comfort of a father’s protective embrace.
“Yes daddy, please.”
And that night, he fell asleep held by an older man with tree trunks for arms as he wished, but somehow, it didn’t feel as safe as he was hoping it would.

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