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Recognize those from The Red Menace part 2? Yep, they're the dildos the Cabaret Bara Booth is selling at slutfest. Sean sure has a good eye for marketing, doesn't he?

Thanks to Tom on Discord for suggesting that, it was a really fun thing to do haha.

Can you recognize all of them?

If you guys enjoy those, I might draw the other ones in the future.

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I am unashamed to say I would buy one of each without hesitation 🤤🤤🤤🤤


But would you use any two or more at the same time? 😉😋


Ooooh! Looks like Aaron has his eyes on the Massacre! Although knowing him, he’ll buy at least two and try more than one at once. Please pray for his soul.


For legal reasons, I must mention that Cabaret Bara may not be held responsible for any irreversible damage caused by inserting two (or more) of them at the same time. Proper care and preparation is strongly suggested before attempting to take any of our Misters. Thank you, and ride responsibly 😉

Adam Lunter

These are priceless!!! We need stickers!!!


Oh, they're coming! I just need to decide if I'm including the text or if the stickers should just be the dildos.


*scribbles my signature on waiver within seconds* Yes, Yes, of course. Could you point me in the way of a lube booth? I'm gonna need a lot😈

Hayden Hayes

I absolutely love these and wanna buy them all

Tom W

These are amazing!


They look fantastic

Allan Meyer

Finn, Alek, Nik, Darryl, Markus, Firouz even though Ben has a red theme…


Funny how we talked about you making dildos of your boys at one point and now you're actually making them. They look fantastic Ollie, can't wait to see the rest of them.