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Hey everyone! Here are the first 5 pages of The Red Menace Part 2.

Page 3 is gonna be a Private Booth bonus and as you may already be able to tell, it contains some interesting guest appearances. Maybe a bit of a teaser for a future storyline 👀

But overall this episode is gonna be LOADED with cameos. Notably cameos from some of our last DTIYS winners <3 as well as some collaborators.

I hope you enjoy this preview!




I loved all of these so much especially the line I’m not a dog but I do have a pup hood Lmao 🤣


Bahaha I like that even Eli's corndog got a little harder when Finn shows up 😆😆😆

Adam Lunter

Helicopter Dicks Anonymous???? I didn’t know that was a condition from which you needed to recover and work the 12 Steps. Not saying it isn’t… just saying I didn’t know.

Allan Meyer

“Date? With Cliff?” Hahaa I’m screaming.


A lot of people get confused. You see, they partake in the hobby of helicopter dick and they're anonymous from wearing a mask. When they realized the double meaning of their branding, it was too late, they had already ordered the t-shirts and stationery. And that is why Helicopter Dicks Anonymous accepts both members who perform Helicopter Dick and people who are addicted to Helicopter Dick.


I'm really excited to see where you take us with Sam!!! The dialogue between him and Jade caught me by surprise!!! :)


Haha I think A LOT of people have had the wrong idea of Sam which is good because that's an opportunity for me to surprise y'all with him.