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In honor of the International Transgender Day of Visibility, I have decided to share Diego's playlist with you today as well as a little insight into his upcoming story arc 💗

Diego's music choices are emotional, hopeful, and chill.
Follow the link for his playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/649J8dTimSlRaRXTBcGM9V?si=IokSAUoLT6S8auulUxIrDA

As he's strumming his guitar gently, Diego's mind keeps wandering to the strange dream he's been having. How many times has he had it now? At least half a dozen if not more. Always the same feeling, the same panic that takes him over as he can see his apartment is set ablaze, but why is he staying there? Ah yes, the voice. He can hear the voice of a child calling to him, asking for his help. He wants to save the child, but he also wants to escape the inferno, and yet, his feet won't move either way. He can't move, he can't speak, all he can do is suffocate as the unbearable heat of the flames engulf him. Diego's fingers falter on the guitar strings when the vibration from his phone pulls him out of his reverie. "I should bring that up in therapy" he thinks to himself as he picks up the device and is greeted by a notification. A text message from his sister informs him that their father is planning to visit... "Yes... Therapy sounds good right about now."
Yearning to help others when you need help yourself, living every day as your most authentic self, facing adversity with a smile as your fiercest weapon. If that's your vibe, maybe you'll vibe with Diego.

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Tom W

I love this so much!!!! Looking at the playlist I know I'll love it! And that art is just beautiful!


Thank you! That pose was surprisingly challenging 😅 I need to do more anatomy studies

Dan Chapman-Harris

This is a beautiful drawing Ollie - thank you for sharing it, Diego is a babe!


Stunning art and man I just wanna hug Diego.


Diego is too good for this sinful world


Diego is one of my favorites from the club!! 😍😍😍


Beautiful as always Ollie!!! And what a powerful storyline, my heart goes out to him.


I think he's someone who's very hard to dislike! He strike a good balance of being sweet while also being a bit spicy hehe.


Thank you so much! Diego has such a heartbreaking story but at the same time, it's full of hope and... ARGH! I wish I could get to his arc faster lol!


Well I look forward to reading/seeing it when the time comes! In the mean time I'm excited to see all the upcoming content!!! :)

Adam Lunter

I really love Diego… love his soul and his taste in music.


lore text giving me wet eyes