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Hi guys! So this comic sets up our next big episode "The Red Menace Part 2" which is coming soon. Please look forward to it as I'm excited to share this one with you.

Also, this time, I stayed much closer to what Adam intended with his story by I still think the short story is worth reading on its own as well as it has a lot of cute and funny bits.


Short story by Adam Lunter

As Chéri floated past Finn’s bedroom, he first noticed the open boxes from Glamazon all  over his bed. Then he saw Finn, and his mouth fell open in shock. Finn was clad in jeans that  were so tight that they looked as if he had been painted on his body. Even so, the bottoms  flared out a bit and covered the flamboyant cowboy boots underneath them. The belt that held  them up had a buckle on it large enough to serve a whole salmon. He also had on a white snap front shirt with dark embroidery just under the lapels and a screamingly turquoise bolo tie. The  cowboy hat looked like it fit his head, but it was still ridiculously tall. He was looking in the mirror and winking as he fired a finger gun at his reflection. He would sometimes say howdy  to the guy in the mirror, but it came out sounding like he was addressing himself as Heidi.  It was appalling, but also irresistible.
“New outfit for work?” Chéri asked as he floated into the room.
“Oh hey, Chéri,” hailed Finn. “Yeah, sorta.”
“There’s an Old West theme coming up at Cabaret Bara?”
“No, nothing like that,” Finn said, his face lightening up a bit. “I actually was asked to  be one of the hosts who’s gonna represent Cabaret Bara at a convention in Woodport!” “Oh, that’s cool! Where’s Woodport?”
“It’s in America!” Finn answered.
Chéri furrowed his brow, trying to get to the meat of the scenario. “And Sean thinks it’s  a good idea for you and the other hosts going there on behalf of Cabaret Bara to look like this?”  he finally asked, looking Finn up and down once again.
“No, I’m just making sure I’m dressed right on the street,” Finn said, hooking his  thumbs in his belt loops and grinned. “How ya like it?” The last two words came out sounding  like lack ee-yit, and Chéri did everything in his power not to cringe.
“Oh yeah,” said the faerie after a pause to unscramble his brains after hearing Finn’s  awful southern accent. “You’re gonna fit right in.”
Finn gave him a finger gun, complete with the clicking sound, and Chéri met the gesture  with a slow nod and smile that was just a little too wide to be natural.
“Oh hey, one other thing,” he said as he turned around and dug around in the boxes. He  eventually stood back up holding a pair of tan leather chaps that were gaudily adorned with  fringe. “You think these would go with this too?”
Chéri’s swallow was audible. “Uh, I think you’re good without ’em… pardner.” Finn looked at the chaps with his eyebrows lowered, then dropped them back on the  bed. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I think this’ll do, but I’ll bring them just in case.” The unnaturally wide smile was back. “Good idea.”
“Thanks Chéri!” Finn said as he pushed the cowboy hat back on his head a bit with his  fingertip, imitating a move he had probably seen in some bad western film. He was doing his  bad southern accent again. “You know, while I’m thinking about it maybe I oughta get a  translation app for my phone too. Just to be on the safe side."
“You bet,” Chéri said, trying with all his might to hold it together until he flew out of the  room. Once he had cleared the threshold, he clapped a paw to his mouth and held his laughter  in as tightly as he could.
I love this kid, he thought to himself. Dumb as a bucket of rocks, but I love him anyway.

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This is so cute! Made me laugh. My favorite "costume" is Finn in the white underwear with the red stripes lol.


This is amazing 🤤. Lol Finn's got such a wide-ranging wardrobe! 😆


I've lived in Texas; last one isn't to far off lol

Allan Meyer

Now Finn you don’t want to be all hat and no cattle… until someone looks down then they’re not gonna care what you’re wearing, only how to get you out of it.


FINN IS GOING TO AMERICA 👀👀👀 Now this is something I got to see


What's funny is I was going for the porn interpretation of cowboys, but if you're telling me that's true to reality, maybe I need to visit Texas one of these days. 👀


That's fair, there is a degree of protection from criticism that comes with being a well-endowed himbo.


Do you think it's possible to fuck the stupid out of this boy or has that already been tried?


I'm afraid it hasn't worked so far, but I think we shouldn't lose hope and keep trying!


Lol all the outfits are cute but that particular pose is so Hot!!! I could get lost in Finn's beautiful blue eyes!!!! :)


Errrr I m afraid for Finn he look like the type who could accidentally fly in the wrong state AND wear the wrong outfit .


Finn is fine the way he is. As long he has the right partner and keep that joi de vivre


Oh, Finn!


I think we should approach it differently maybe boundage and a paddle will help the teaching to go smoother

Hayden Hayes

I WANNA GO TO SLUTFEST!! Also lol I’ve seen people in most of those outfits, and they’re not always tourists 😂


Perhaps they wear wearing them ironically... I'm gonna choose to believe they were 🤣


Pow Pow! Hehe &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3